Gaming Censored


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Full GL Member
If any gaming content for the age range of 14+ was censored, what will you do?
Even if you're 14+ years old, when you get that new game with adult whatever and violence - everything was censored.
Do you mean that even though I was over 14 years old and I played a game it would still be censored?

If so I think I would be pretty gutted to be honest. I play many games that have gore in such as GoW, Call of Duty, Saints Row, Left 4 Dead etc and if games like that where censored for people over the age of 14 still it would really ruin it.

If on the other hand you mean censored for gamers under the age of 14 then I don't think that would be a bad thing due to the fact that if a 14 year old is playing an 18 game then there is a reason it's meant for older people.
I think you mean if M rated games were censored. And I don't know what I would do. I would have to see what was censored, and if it effected the gameplay and/or story.
assuming they be using the same censor as used on Naruto shippuden aired on Disney XD, where they tone language down to kiddy level, make the dead groaning as if alive and covering up even minor scratches.

Then I say they killed mature games.