Gaming Culture Called Racist Due To Latest PewDiePie Controversy

Dark Young Link

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
Why Is PewDiePie’s Fanbase Convinced That Gaming Culture Is Racist? Because It Is.

This person is calling all of gaming culture racist because of one person's action. Yeah, they mention a few other people too, but this wasn't a big deal until PewDiePie's recent scandal that it was suddenly a big deal. It pisses me off that they take one person's actions and go around blaming a whole group of people for it. The actions of one person, or a few people, doesn't speak for everyone else. I don't know why that's such a hard thing to understand, but it happens all the time.
Sounds like it might be time for PewDiePie to have an 'accident' and be removed from the spot light. Seriously, his power needs to be divided.
One of those YouTubers that I just hate. I would be 50/50 with this normally but this guy has just had too many racist issues in the past with the Nazi thing as well that you can't find any excuse for him.
One of those YouTubers that I just hate. I would be 50/50 with this normally but this guy has just had too many racist issues in the past with the Nazi thing as well that you can't find any excuse for him.
When it came to his first controversy, I was kind of with him because you could tell it was just a joke. However, there's a difference between telling a racist joke to your closest friends and telling a racist joke on the internet. With your friends, they know you aren't racist and you can all have a laugh, but on the internet, not everyone know you. Sure, he's the biggest YouTuber, but not everyone watches YouTube and not everyone watches him. So an outsider could look at that and claim he's racist. I mean, I still feel like he deserved the slap on wrist because it was still wrong, but not the degree the WSJ went.

However, there was no excuse to say the thing he said. There was no joke behind it. He got frustrated playing a game and just said the word like it was nothing. The worst part is people are backing him up, which is why so many people think gamers are racist.
Pewds does not speak for the gaming community in the least, and trust me, I have heard far worse said while gaming online
YouTube comments are generally 110% mindless.
They're typically filled with comments so stupid, it's nearly impossible to think of a good example.
Fortunately, there are occasionally some quality comments.

Speaking of which, if comments are bugging you, then avoid Nico Nico Douga.
Comments there almost always stuff like "lololololol" among other things, and the comments are being displayed right on the video itself (depending on when while watching the video someone pressed the "comment" button).