Gaming Force Forums seem to crash FireFox 4.0.1 a lot compared to other browsers,


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Anyone else notice that FireFox 4.0.1 crashes a lot when visiting Gaming Force Forum, and does not crash as much when using Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 9.

I think it is GamingForce since whenever I use Firefox 4 to visit GF. FireFox seems to crash more compared to other forums, websites, and blogs I visit.
well I don't use firefox 4, but I'll have to check with IPB on this one.

well I'm not seeing anyone complain about this, so how often does it crash? and does it crash the same amount when you go here
I see if reinstalling FireFox 4 will make my browser crash less when visiting GF.

Firefox usually crash when visiting GF forum homepage at random times like when clicking a section link like Xbox forum then it crashes.
It could be your browser, I don't have the issue.

Off topic, the server is loading REALLY slow...
when you mean homepage, do you mean the main page of the forum?

and did you click around on that link? It's forum should be the same as this one.

I mean . It usually crashes when I click on a link to a sub section or after the page starts or finish loading.

I haven't experience any crashing in GF recently since reinstalling Firefox, but could it be a plug-in, script or widget that is making Firefox crash more often compared to other websites I visit. I notice sometimes websites with a lot of plug-ins, scripts, widgets, and add-on makes Firefox crash more.

The server's speed seems okay for me. I don't experience much noticeable slowness when I'm on GF.