Gaming Goals - 2014


Assistant Regional Manager
Full GL Member
Post your gaming goals for 2014 here. Keep us up to date on how you're doing with those goals; let us know if you've made progress or if you're giving up on a goal. Let us know what you plan to do to reach your goal!


- Get my backlog of games down to just 5 unbeaten.

- Get some more Wii U games

- Write up some more reviews


- At the beginning of this year, I had 13 games in my backlog, I'm now down to 9. Progress has been great, this is the first year so far that I've beaten more games than I've bought. I've been ignoring Steam sales and Humble Bundles so far and I'm trying to stay disciplined by buying only 1 game a month. For more info you can check my Backloggery page.

- I got Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze on a whim and it has been a great experience. I plan to also get Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros when they come out. Not sure what 3rd party games I will get if any.

- Last year I wrote a review for Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3. This year I'll probably end up reviewing another Wii U game. The screenshot feature makes it easy and convenient for me to get screens for my reviews. I might write up a review for DKC:TF, we'll see.

That's it for my goals this year, nothing too ambitious other than getting my backlog under control. Now tell us your goals!!
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Let's see...
·Get Yoshi's New Island and complete it 100%
·Finally beat BeastMan735 on Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag online (he/she always kills me and I have never beat them even ONCE! -_-)
·Unlock gold Kart in Mario Kart 7 (it's the last thing I have left to get ^_^)
-Beat all the Wii U games I have
-Learn to not suck at chess with Pure Chess on the Wii U
-Finish a ton of 3DS games I've got built up... Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, Code of Princess, Link Between Worlds, Yoshi's New Island, Dream Team...
-Finish training my Pokemon team.
-Start and beat Bravely Default.
-Beat the HD rereleases of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X. Also finish Dragons Crown.

I've got an absolute ton to do, and that's not even counting the like 150 Steam games I've got, although most of those are from bundles and weren't bought specifically. It's my own fault for floating around betwixt games instead of focusing one down before moving on! I just love games too much!
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- Finish getting 3 stars on all cups in Mario Kart 7

- Get both Smash Bros games

- Get Super Mario 3D World

That's all I have for right now. Though I do have a video game related blog that I'm attending to... plus I'm trying to get one video a month for my let's play channel out. Idk if those two count though.
Well, I've got a several few goals I have planned for video games.

-Achieve Max Prestige on Call of Duty: Ghosts

-Achieve highest rank on Battlefield 4

-Acquire both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with both Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts and beat the campaign on there

-Complete Yoshi's New Island 100%

-Complete Bravely Default 100%

-Make it in top 25 in April Friendly online Pokemon Global Link competition

-Actually participate in a Play! Event which would most likely be Fall Regional VGC

And an optional I may choose, buy a Wii U last :p
-Complete Yoshi's New Island 100%
-Achieve highest rank in Battlefield 4 (almost there) :bowser:
-Acquire all Event Pokemon that will be released for Pokemon X & Y
-Get a copy of Kirby Triple Deluxe and complete it 100%
-Get a copy of Super Smash Bros 3DS and kick some butt ;)
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-Get a copy of Kirby Triple Deluxe and complete it 100%
-Get a copy of Super Smash Bros 3DS and kick some butt ;)

Ooooh, Kirby Triple Deluxe, that's a future goal for me too! Want that game so bad! Not to mention SSB4, we have to buy 3 copies -_-;;;
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-Get a copy of Kirby Triple Deluxe and complete it 100%
-Get a copy of Super Smash Bros 3DS and kick some butt ;)

Ooooh, Kirby Triple Deluxe, that's a future goal for me too! Want that game so bad! Not to mention SSB4, we have to buy 3 copies -_-;;;
Super excited for that Kirby game!
lol which version of SSB will you be playing the most? :o
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-Get a WiiU

-Get SSB3D/U

-Get Mario Kart 7 and 8

-Get some of the 3DS games I haven't played (I only have the two Zelda games and Pokemon X)

-Complete the games I buy.

-Three heart challenge OoT3D
-Complete my National PokeDex

-Train my Pokemon team to be the very best, like no one ever was.

-Stagger through the boringness of New Super Mario Bros. 2


- Beat Ocarina of Time 3D because why not

- Purchase Fire Emblem: Awakening

- Beat Pokemon Blue (I'm almost done!)

- Beat all my GameBoy games

- Beat all my DS games (basically impossible).

- Beat every puzzle on Puzzle Swap

- Collect every hat on StreetPass

- Beat Find Mii a ton

- Play Minecraft a ton

- Buy Portal or Portal 2

- Train myself at SSB Brawl

- Unlock everyone in SSB Melee

- Train myself in SSB Melee

- Continue Link Between Worlds

And other stuff! Wish me luck!