Post your gaming goals for 2014 here. Keep us up to date on how you're doing with those goals; let us know if you've made progress or if you're giving up on a goal. Let us know what you plan to do to reach your goal!
- Get my backlog of games down to just 5 unbeaten.
- Get some more Wii U games
- Write up some more reviews
- At the beginning of this year, I had 13 games in my backlog, I'm now down to 9. Progress has been great, this is the first year so far that I've beaten more games than I've bought. I've been ignoring Steam sales and Humble Bundles so far and I'm trying to stay disciplined by buying only 1 game a month. For more info you can check my Backloggery page.
- I got Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze on a whim and it has been a great experience. I plan to also get Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros when they come out. Not sure what 3rd party games I will get if any.
- Last year I wrote a review for Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3. This year I'll probably end up reviewing another Wii U game. The screenshot feature makes it easy and convenient for me to get screens for my reviews. I might write up a review for DKC:TF, we'll see.
That's it for my goals this year, nothing too ambitious other than getting my backlog under control. Now tell us your goals!!
- Get my backlog of games down to just 5 unbeaten.
- Get some more Wii U games
- Write up some more reviews
- At the beginning of this year, I had 13 games in my backlog, I'm now down to 9. Progress has been great, this is the first year so far that I've beaten more games than I've bought. I've been ignoring Steam sales and Humble Bundles so far and I'm trying to stay disciplined by buying only 1 game a month. For more info you can check my Backloggery page.
- I got Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze on a whim and it has been a great experience. I plan to also get Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros when they come out. Not sure what 3rd party games I will get if any.
- Last year I wrote a review for Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3. This year I'll probably end up reviewing another Wii U game. The screenshot feature makes it easy and convenient for me to get screens for my reviews. I might write up a review for DKC:TF, we'll see.
That's it for my goals this year, nothing too ambitious other than getting my backlog under control. Now tell us your goals!!
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