Gaming handheld SmartPhone console JXD S5800 with physical controls Review video


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The JXD S5800 does look like a pretty good handheld console which is also a smartphone. Emulators like Kingdom Hearts, Mario Kart, etc run pretty well on this guy's phone in the video.
Eh... I'm not very fond of the design... It looks a bit dated... But yeah, the games seem to run quite well on it...

I doubt I would actually buy one though. I'd rather stick to having a smartphone and a console instead of a two-in-one device...
The design of the device does look old, but the physicals controls look easy to use, and the buttons and joysticks seem well spaced out where they are not too close together, or too far apart. If the design works well, they shouldn't change it to make it look more modern which can make it harder to use.

I don't make many phone calls or text a year because I mostly use  the internet with Instant messenger programs like Google Talk/Hangout, Facebook Messenger, and e-mail to contact people when I need to, so I am more interested in a smartphone with gaming handheld features compared to a regular smartphone. I also own a tablet, so I can use most of the apps for smartphones on a tablet.

Having a smartphone which is also a handheld console is a good alternative  for me to game on instead of using my tablet for gaming which does not have physical controls, and is kind of big for gaming.
looks like a Sony VIta.