Gaming Kickstarter News, Shadow of the Eternals, Gamestick, Broken Age


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Shadow of the Eternals

After their first Kickstarter campaign failed, the team of Shadow of the Eternals should give the crowdfunding case another try as from 25 July.
The developers say they have learned from their mistakes and will be more open to feedback from the community. This involves a significant reduction in the target budget (which was initially set at 1.35 million), but also in the way they will be spreading information about the elements of the game. Moreover, this time around, the project will be limited to one Kickstarter campaign.

As a reminder, Shadow of the Eternals is advertised as the spiritual sequel Eternal Darkness.


Initially announced for April, then pushed back to June, the Gamestick should eventually be available as of August. At least this is what was promised by the project manager, Sameer Baroova.

According to Baroova, the cause of this delay was the fact that they underestimated the popularity of the console and the volume of pre-orders they would receive. Moreover, the delay was also attributed to the fact that they implement suggestions from fans.

As a reminder, the Gamestick will be in the form of a simple joystick to be connected to the HDMI port of a TV and will run on Android similarly to the Ouya.

Broken Age

Despite having obtained three million Kickstarter last year while the were initially asking for 400,000, studio Double Fine admits to barely be able to deliver their adventure game. Indeed, if the development of Broken Age is underway, and backers will still have access to beta previews, Tim Schafer himself admitted that they underestimated the costs of their ambitious game.

As he explained in a letter reserved for Kickstarter backers, but published by the American press, Double Fine is still looking for money to complete the development of Broken Age. However, instead of delaying the release date for the summer of 2014, the studio has finally decided to divide Broken Age into two segments. Effectively, the first part will be released in January 2014 on Steam (PC and Mac) and sales will be used to finalize the second half scheduled for April or May 2014. Moreover, Tim Schafer announced that the the second segment will be delivered for free to those who purchased the first part.
Good to see kickstarter being used to help launch small games like these.