Gaming Latest Christmas Tree Contest

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Much like our Halloween decorating contest, I am hosting a similar Christmas theme decoration contest! The contest is simple, submit a picture of your best decorated/lit up tree that has a piece of paper saying GL somewhere in the photo. The main and only rule of this contest is this has to be an actual tree in your home, not drawn/or automated images of trees done in photoshop or similar programs.

And the prizes:

1st place: 10,000 GL points
2nd place: 5,000 GL Points
3rd place and below: 1,000 GL points

Bring your best Christmas spirit to please Revolved101 Santa Gamer
Let me not say what I think about the picture yet lol...
I don't know all the entries of the pictures that have been submitted I am not sure if everyone has some camera lens issue or what but their tree seems a bit blurry this is everyone who has submitted their pictures on this thread.
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Where did you put the paper on the camera or did you hang it somewhere like was a string or thread added to it somewhere I can't see it :p
Two hands. One using my 3DS camera that is bad and not sure about trying a heaver camera because the other one is my hand holding a post-it note so it probably is blurry on top of it.
Two hands. One using my 3DS camera that is bad and not sure about trying a heaver camera because the other one is my hand holding a post-it note so it probably is blurry on top of it.
Oh that make sense
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