Gaming on the Apple Watch - First impressions video


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Apple's new smartwatch is pretty impressive when it comes to notifications, fitness, communication, and - yes - even telling the time.
But how does it stack up as a gaming platform? Mark (@britishgaming) has played a bunch of early Apple Watch games to see how this thing fares.
Read more about Runeblade, Spy_Watch, Cupcake Dungeon, Watch Quest!, Trivia Crack, Gravity Mike, Lifeline..., Snappy Word, and Modern Combat 5 at

Some of these games look pretty good for playing when you are bored.
neither would I, but that first game looks like a pokemon like game.
If the Apple Watch just plays slower 2D and text based games like the Gameboy, and other Classic handhelds, it probably won't get hot because 2D games are not very intensive on the CPU, video chip, and RAM.

Most of the games for the Apple watch seem to be picture and text based games where you control the game by clicking on pictures, and text to perform simple actions.
froggyboy604 said:
If the Apple Watch just plays slower 2D and text based games like the Gameboy, and other Classic handhelds, it probably won't get hot because 2D games are not very intensive on the CPU, video chip, and RAM.

Most of the games for the Apple watch seem to be picture and text based games where you control the game by clicking on pictures, and text to perform simple actions.
Someone is going to do something to overheat the watch, people always love to push and over clock their devices.
Demon_Skeith said:
Someone is going to do something to overheat the watch, people always love to push and over clock their devices.
Hopefully, the user who choose to overclock their Apple Watch will install a very small fan onto the back or side of the Apple Watch to keep it from overheating.

Using their watch in front of a blowing fan may solve some of the overheating problems caused by overclocking.

I think Jailbreaking, and modding an Apple device makes the Warranty no good, so Apple does not need to honor their warranty once you jailbreak or modify your Apple device.
froggyboy604 said:
Hopefully, the user who choose to overclock their Apple Watch will install a very small fan onto the back or side of the Apple Watch to keep it from overheating.
They probably won't. Someone will probably overclock the watch on purpose just to burn their arm and sue Apple... :lol:
alakazam said:
They probably won't. Someone will probably overclock the watch on purpose just to burn their arm and sue Apple... :lol:
The Watch would automatically power down before it reaches hot temperatures which will burn their arm. But, people who overclock will probably disable automatic shutdown when the watch gets too hot.