Gaming slang

I think its quite funny and it really makes you feel part of a closed little community when you can understand all the silly phrases and acronyms. There are a few that annoy me sometimes though, such as the Minecraft 10 year olds that refer to everyone as "nub" and the kids that over-use outdated phrases. But in general, its nice that there is an inside language of sorts that us gamers share in common. Great video too.
Most of these terms have been part of how I talk with my friends for quite some time. I would never really think about making a video on that topic, very nice idea.
Toasty and All your base belong to us

is all I know really.
Being a fan of Tekken I was rather surprised with the upgrade of this certain phrase gamers used for fighting games. Like in my day we always called gamers who use the same moves over and over Cheeser's. But now they are considered Spammers which took me a while to get used to during trash talk. You can only wonder how many clueless people there were out there when I was calling them Cheesers but hey tomato, tomatoe.