Gamingforce hacked!


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Yesterday morning about 1:30AM, someone got into our hosting files and edited a bunch of files causing the forum to become unreachable and destroying some other things. Thanks to our host though we were able to restore the forum data to the point before the hacking took place.

We have a IP of the person who did it, but it will take time to track down who did this if possible. That is all the info I have for you right now.

I like to take the time to thank the IPB staff and Ronald of our hosting for getting the forum back up as quickly as they did.
If the person tried to hack the forums, they might have used a proxy to hide their IP...

Sad news, btw.
This is sad news since GamingForce is not even a controversial site like WikiLeaks. Congrats on fixing the forum so soon.
That's retarded why would someone want to hack a gaming site?
Good thing you have their IP. :grin: It will be funny to see their outcome. *cough* Don't use retarded. *cough*
Gawsh, ya know, those bloody crackers! I hate them crackers! Putting a bad name on the good guys! Not all hackers are bad, look at (The staff) of Linux!

Well, it's good to see Gamingforce has a LOT of White Blood cells to live through that Virus!
Doesn't mean you got the real IP of the offender. A proxy is still gives off an IP address, but it will never lead you to them. I'm almost certain that somebody with a high enough aptitude to gain access to a (presumably) secure server is likely to also have the common sense to protect their own identity.

the way the person hacked, I doubt a proxy could have been used. but that is all the info I can say.
Did you ever figure out who did it? I'd like to take serious action if I were you..