Gamingforce reviews


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WOW Factor:
I’m not too keen on the appearance, I was expecting something a bit more intense than what you have. [0/5]

I am impressed by the amount of sections you have for gaming. I don’t see too many forums that have pure dedication like this. I would encourage you to keep that up, and just pour posts into there as much as possible. [10/10]

One of the things I always tell members is that your boards should be getting one member a day the very least. You have made that mark. You are getting about 1.2 members a day, keep that up and hopefully you can get a member and a half a day. [20/20]

On the other hand, you should be making a hundred posts a day without trouble. With the amount of members you have, half of them should be able to make just one post. Expand the sections on your forum to get those members to post. At this point, you should be at (roughly) twenty-five thousand posts. [14/20]

This so far is your weakest point. The skin is an interesting one, but not one for a gaming site. Also, I would suggest getting a better banner, requesting it maybe, to have different video game systems, OR video game characters on it. [7/10]

Layout is okay, could be better if I actually put effort into thinking about it. It kinda gets tiring once I do more than two reviews in a single day. So sorry if this isn’t what you expected. You do have a good thing going on however. Keeping the important sections after the announcement section and before the general section. [10/10]

On a certain level, your board is indeed creative. That goes to the point where you have given thought to the section itself. Something you should really work on is the names. I know you can’t do much with the game systems since those are the way they are. Although you can work on creative descriptions for them, which would be cool in its ownself. [12/15]

Your activity isn’t so hot at all. Out of all honestly, you should be having at least half of your members active. You only have four percent considerably active, meaning that they have above fifty-three posts, the amount your members should have at this point and time. [2/10]

Final Score: [61/100] * * * * / * * * * *

End Notes:
Overall you aren’t doing that bad as you may think from this review. Activity is low, you could use a better skin and banner, but you have good amount of posts per day and a good amount of members signing up. I think that a small board like yours is more comfortable than a large gaming forum.

  • Bring up activity
  • Better skin
  • Better banner
[review completed by: Esaul]

review from promotion haven done by MisaTange

Skin: The skin seems fine, but it might be a little too dark, but maybe it's just me... 9/10 rating.
Activity: It seems to be fairly active, but there is two people on at the moment, excluding spam bots. There were three people on today according to Members Online Today section 7/10 rating.
Staff Friendliness: The staff seems to be really friendly. I like it, nothing to improve it here. 10/10 rating.
Layout: I registered and the layout seems fine. Yes, that's all I have to say on the forum. 9/10 rating.
Uniqueness: I was really surprised at the 'Xeon's Studio' section of the forum, only for GF's members and staff. Pretty good. 9/10 rating.
Overall Score: Maybe try getting more members to get active tomorrow, the activity was sad today. Maybe try getting a little bit more unique on the forums and everything. I'm sure it's because of Promotion Haven's light skin that caused the one point off your 'Skin' score. 45/50 rating.

Viewed as a Preferred Forum.

well were getting good reviews but the low activity is killing us.
Let's try to bring up the activity on here. But how? Maybe a community contest.
QUOTE (Kisame @ May 25, 2008 06:31 pm) Let's try to bring up the activity on here. But how? Maybe a community contest.
thats what I was thinking but there is problems with this. one is prizes which I don't know exactly what to give. two is to get all 269 members here to do it. if we could at least get 200 members this place would boom.
How about a Recruitment contest? It would get more active members on here. I think we should change our appearance first though.
QUOTE (Kisame @ May 26, 2008 10:09 am) How about a Recruitment contest? It would get more active members on here. I think we should change our appearance first though.
I had hoped to get a new skin by now but the guy making it seems to be moving at this time. so it might take a while for a change in appearance. I should have a new banner for this skin soon.
Alright sounds good DS!
QUOTE (Kisame @ May 26, 2008 10:36 am) Alright sounds good DS!
thanks. and don't forget we have multiple skins to choose from. which can be done in the lower left hand conner or go to my controls>Skin and Languages and change the skin from there.