General Things in Gaming that you hate


Queen of Games!
Full GL Member
Well, a vent-thread about some things
in gaming (anything from loud sound effects to devices used in gaming) that bug you off or you hate... or that annoy you.

I hate high tech stuff used in gaming.
Got to agree with above, I also hate kids that get themselves on the mic on a game online and choose to abuse anyone whom they do not know. Half the time I think it's because they feel safe behind their console. They never like it when the same kind of abuse gets fired back though.
I hate the high cost of gaming where new games cost $60-80, and the game consoles cost $300-500 compared to other kinds of entertainment like DVD movies which cost $20-30, and DVD players are $20-50 or music where a music CD cost $20-30, and a decent Stereo cost under $100 in most cases.

I also hate being force to buy 1 console to play 1 game instead of being able to play the same game on any console.
I hate kids and nasally voiced gangstra's as well. When I play online I feel like the whole world has gone Ghetto.....G-thang...
For the most part I hate game marketing.

It's a little ridiculous. You see a game that is going to come out then they are talking all huge about it then once it's out in a month marketers are trying to get people away from the addictive game because they want peoples' minds on other upcoming games so they start to trash the game. Assassins' creed is probably the best example.
AidsorHIV said:
 Assassins' creed is probably the best example.
Oh I agree.

I still remember going to the midnight launch of AC III all hyped and ready to start it after all the trailers and announcements.  Only months after AC IV was announced and Connor was forgotten about.

Having said that I can't wait for AC IV, I've been waiting for it since last year when it was announced...

I hate expansion packs that are released with the game or within months of the game being released. That is content that should have been part of the game, not being used to suck more money out of gamers. 
DLC on a Disc where you need to pay to unlock a part of the disc with the DLC is another thing I dislike since paying money to unlock content which is already on a Disc seems kind of a rip off.
froggyboy604 said:
DLC on a Disc where you need to pay to unlock a part of the disc with the DLC is another thing I dislike since paying money to unlock content which is already on a Disc seems kind of a rip off.
Oh yes, the unlocking content business is very annoying to
me or I hate having to spend extra (buying these packs) to unlock a game or even to finish one.
Guardian said:
I hate expansion packs that are released with the game or within months of the game being released. That is content that should have been part of the game, not being used to suck more money out of gamers. 

froggyboy604 said:
DLC on a Disc where you need to pay to unlock a part of the disc with the DLC is another thing I dislike since paying money to unlock content which is already on a Disc seems kind of a rip off.
All this money grabbing stuff.
For things that companies do:

- DLC for multiplayer sides. 
Things like different gun colours. Stuff that should be free or use in game points to earn. I mean spending real money is a rip off since inevitably they are going to shut the servers down and you lose access to the content you paid for.

- On disc locked content. 
There is no excuse. If this was completed enough to put it on the disc then it should be made freely available to the people who bought the game. 

- Microtransactions.
Especially ones for like mentioned above for multiplayer only content.

- Always online / DRM
Yes, piracy is a problem that affects game sales. But it's not going away and it's not a universal excuse to allow you companies to shoehorn in ridiculous DRM schemes that only cause problems for players. Pirates will often crack your DRM anywhere from  2-4 days after your game gets released. It takes you longer to design and implement it than it takes them to crack it. And in the mean time, your paying customers are the ones putting up with it when it won't let them play the game they bought legitimately.

- Online trophies/achievements.
I hate when games have trophies/achievements for their online components in order to get the platinum/full 1000 gamerscore. They very often are terrible ones that make it a pain to 100% the game. (Either luck based or you have to be so skilled you have to dedicate hundreds of hours. Either that or it's something you have to grind for weeks to get. )

And it's annoying because some games don't have that dedicated of an online player base so you end up having a very difficult time getting matches. (Or staying connected in matches.)  Either that or when they shut the server down... Thus making you unable to 100% that game.

I'd be fine if they wanted online trophies/achievements and they implemented them as free DLC. (So like you start the game up and it downloads them then. This way you can still 100% the game even without playing online.)

For things that gamers do:

- Death threats.
Stop sending these. 
It does not make THAT much difference that they tweak in a game that you need to send them death threats over it. If you feel the need to do this then you need to go seek some counselling right now. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using rage to target very specific issues that affect a broad number of people in drastic ways (like this year when people yelled at Sony to not implement DRM like Microsoft. While also yelling at Microsoft to get rid of theirs...) But sending death threats is just over the top. It accomplishes nothing. 

- Constant Ragequiters
Granted I know most people have rage quit a game at some point. That's not really an issue.

I mean the people who will rage quit every time things don't go exactly their way. Or the second things start to look down. Or the second they're at a disadvantage. 
I'm a bit loathe to use the line "it's just a game" since I hated when it was used on me... but you know if you're getting that pissed playing the game then maybe it's time to do something else for a bit to calm down. 

- Those who send racist / sexist comments or though voice chat.
Grow up.
What you do is not clever, funny or helpful at all. You are part of what makes gaming a terrible place. You are part of why gamers have a massive negative representation in the media. You hide behind your screen name as a gutless coward, afraid to say those things offline because you know that what you're saying is wrong and would get you slapped, fired or some other negative consequence laid on you. 

There are probably more things that annoy me, but I'll leave it at that.
- Online trophies/achievements.
I hate when games have trophies/achievements for their online components in order to get the platinum/full 1000 gamerscore. They very often are terrible ones that make it a pain to 100% the game. (Either luck based or you have to be so skilled you have to dedicate hundreds of hours. Either that or it's something you have to grind for weeks to get. )
Bingo. Particularly the ones that are like "Get 5 friends to play a level you made" and stuff like that. Jeez, that is annoying.
Little Big Planet is one of the worst series for that. They have so much that depend on loads of people playing.

Also annoying trophies are:
- Resistance 2's kill 10,000 in competitive multiplayer. (Average matches, if you're good, will get you about 20-25 kills. Hence this becomes a massive grind.)

- Bulletstorm's get 50,000 points in one online co-op level. (Firstly you have to survive like 16 waves to even get to attempt this trophy. Then you have to use a very specific method to get the 50,000 points. Then you have to survive and finish wave 20.) 

- Killzone 2's place in the top 2% of all players that week/month. (Massive grindfest. Be prepared to dedicate at least 4-6, or more, hours a day to play KZ2 if you want this trophy.)

- Ghostbusters's finish every online mode on each map. (Some of them were extremely difficult. Though rendered impossible now since the servers were taken down.)

- Bioshock 2 get to level 40 (or 40x2 in the DLC). Getting to level 40 takes about 20-30 hours if you're skilled and if you're luck enough to get into a match. I did get this trophy... but I spend a lot of time waiting for matches.

- Marvel vs Capcom 3's win 5 online matches in a row. Not a hard trophy if you're skilled (or lucky enough to get 5 people who aren't very good.) But very easy to stop/disrupt. 
froggyboy604 said:
DLC on a Disc where you need to pay to unlock a part of the disc with the DLC is another thing I dislike since paying money to unlock content which is already on a Disc seems kind of a rip off.
That ties in with my biggest complaint. :P I've started to stay away from companies that pull this crap.