Get Vita One Week Early


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Sony has announced the First Edition bundle for PlayStation Vita. Hardware marketing director John Koller revealed on the PlayStation Blog that customers who pre-order the bundle will receive it on February 15th, one week ahead of the system's scheduled release date.

In the United States, the bundle includes a 3G version of the system along with a copy of Little Deviants and a 4GB Vita memory card. In Canada, the WiFi version of the system will come in the bundle, along with a special carrying case, the 4GB memory card and Little Deviants. The U.S. version will be $349.99, and Canada's will be $299.99.

"We've decided to give our most loyal fans an opportunity to own a PS Vita before everyone else," Koller wrote.

The bundle will be available to pre-order at select locations starting today. More pre-order information is available at Sony's site.
