Switch Get you to buy NX


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What would it take for you to actually buy the NX system? Hardware or software wise.
Price really. For me, I'm not too bothered about third-party support (as long as Nintendo start to release more exclusives of their own), as I have PS4 for that. If there are games that attract me to the console that I can only get there, and it is cheap enough, I will definitely take the plunge.
Price really. For me, I'm not too bothered about third-party support (as long as Nintendo start to release more exclusives of their own), as I have PS4 for that. If there are games that attract me to the console that I can only get there, and it is cheap enough, I will definitely take the plunge.

Good thing that Nintendo has always sold their consoles with lowest price in mind.
Both! Idk about price cause I might get it regardless of how high its price tag is unless it's absolutely unreasonable.
To be honest, I think the only reason I'd buy the Nintendo NX is if the reviews were good by the people that buy it at launch, as in the recent past Nintendo haven't exactly released consoles that have done well.

The price will be the biggest issue for most, but I wouldn't mind paying if the console was worth the money. Sadly, while I hope it will rival the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox ONE, I don't think it will be.
The biggest thing for me is price, which I'm not really worried about. They always seem to be fair in pricing and allowing people to actually owning the system without selling an arm or leg. I'm just excited to see another system and to experience it because of my love for Nintendo.
Well, I think Zelda Breath of the Wild may have already sold the system to me. If there's a great 3D Mario and Luigi's Mansion 3, then I'll get it without a second thought.
Nothing. I am a diehard Nintendo fan and I am always among the early adopters of their consoles. I bought the Wii U in its first month of release and the 3ds in its third month. A low price in between 199$-249$ will be just like a cherry on top of the pudding. Of course, there is Breath of the Wind which I will play on NX.
I don't own a Nintendo Wii. Therefore is very likely I will acquire a NX however its features mostly because of Breath of the Wind. But, as I said in another post, I would like to finally see the merging of handheld and home console. A different VR support would be also a welcome feature. Also, compatibility with several peripherals such as the Wii remote Plus,Wii U Gamepad, Classic controller etc.

I also expect a decent release of several games besides Zelda, whether they are first party games IPs or from another company.
I own both a Nintendo Wii and a Nintendo WiiU so there is no hurry for me to get the Nintendo NX after it is released. The major impediment will be cost since I am planning to get the PSVR system for my PS4 and, although I am anxiously awaiting the Breath of the Wild release, I can certainly wait for a year for it to come down in cost and to evaluate the quality of the other games for the NX.
Nothing. It's already purchased in my mind lol. Now, whether or not I will buy it at launch depends. Assuming I have the money, I would buy it at launch if they come out with something really enticing. There have been rumors of an Ultimate edition of Smash Wii U launching with NX. That would force me to buy an NX at launch because I am such a huge Smash fan. Otherwise I will prob wait a few months.