Getting cold and dealing with an air conditioner on top of that.....


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I am really sick right now and I have to deal with the cool temperature at work. It's hell....pure hell.

I couldn't concentrate and I have to spend at least 15 seconds of every minutes wiping down my runny nose and eyes....damn...My stupid company should give us sick leaves....
I hate this world ;_;
That does suck, at my old job I would sit in a very cold room next to the doorway the smokers would use to go out for their smokes which during the winter time was a lot of cold air coming in and then they would have to keep the door a crack so they wouldn't get out. On top of that I sat in the direction of a vent that ALWAYS blew out cold air all year round. I finally managed to get the vent covered while I work there, but I had to dress in several layers to endure sitting there doing my job. My current job is pretty similar as there is very little heating in the building.

Though sorry to hear you don't get any sick time, are you still able to call in though at the cost of your pay for that day?
That does suck, at my old job I would sit in a very cold room next to the doorway the smokers would use to go out for their smokes which during the winter time was a lot of cold air coming in and then they would have to keep the door a crack so they wouldn't get out. On top of that I sat in the direction of a vent that ALWAYS blew out cold air all year round. I finally managed to get the vent covered while I work there, but I had to dress in several layers to endure sitting there doing my job. My current job is pretty similar as there is very little heating in the building.

Though sorry to hear you don't get any sick time, are you still able to call in though at the cost of your pay for that day?
We only have 15 days of leaves and they are not sick leaves. I do use them when it is needed but right now, I am running low on those leaves.
So no luck there and it managers wouldn't approve unpaid leave just like that either
We only have 15 days of leaves and they are not sick leaves. I do use them when it is needed but right now, I am running low on those leaves.
So no luck there and it managers wouldn't approve unpaid leave just like that either

ahh, in that case you go in, get sick all over their shoes and then they will approve it. I promise it.
ahh, in that case you go in, get sick all over their shoes and then they will approve it. I promise it.
Lol. Seriously? Well..I really don't know what to say. You caught me by surprise with that reply . I was expecting some sorr of professional answer
That is a professional reply, if people expect you to come in sick then guess what happens?
Well, then wouldn't allow us to attend any client meetings and such, when we are really sick but they do expect us to code and complete the development work to meet the timelines.
Well yeah....I am aware of that... But they should have a backup so that they wouldn't put too much pressure on just one single person is on just one single team....
They should have planned well
Well yeah....I am aware of that... But they should have a backup so that they wouldn't put too much pressure on just one single person is on just one single team....
They should have planned well

they did plan well, you, so they don't expect you to get sick. A sad way of thinking really.
they did plan well, you, so they don't expect you to get sick. A sad way of thinking really. I am not so sure what to say to that....when I said, they should plan well, I meant they should have planned for some backup as well.
We are just humans after all. I am not so sure what to say to that....when I said, they should plan well, I meant they should have planned for some backup as well.
We are just humans after all.

yeah, they don't see you as humans. I work for a sucky corporation myself and they don't give a damn about their workers.
yeah, they don't see you as humans. I work for a sucky corporation myself and they don't give a damn about their workers.
Huh...I thought you were a student....well, is it a part-time job or something?
If so, it must be really hard to keep up with your work and studies right?
Huh...I thought you were a student....well, is it a part-time job or something?
If so, it must be really hard to keep up with your work and studies right?

dude, I can't just go to school. I have to work as well. Between school and work I'm putting in a good 50-60 hour work week.