Getting doxxed?


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Doxxing is a form of intimidation by revealing personally identifiable information about someone publicly. Have you ever experienced this? Was it bad enough for you to consider taking legal action? It's happened to me before but it was quickly removed. My sister works for a lawyer, so if anything happens to me personally in the future, you can bet it will be handled asap for my protection.
Doxxing on Nintendo 3DS Central can result in warnings and eventually banning! I'm sure it's the same here, too! It compromises the security of people, and it's rude! I don't like it!
I've not experienced it myself, but if unauthorized doxxing happens here or Nintendo 3DS Central, it will be removed, and the appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken!
Doxxing just seems like an unlikely thing to happen and is usually done to persuade you to do dumb things. Don't give into doxxing. People don't care where you live and if they did they would follow your social media.
Someone tried to doxx me because I committed the cardinal sin of calling somebody on a forum a moron.

I have a fake Facebook account that's over a decade old with a fake name, so people think it has to be real.

Even when he went to stalk me online to find dirt on me, he got pissed because all he could find was boring information that wasn't already known.

He thought I was planning ops to get him kicked off the internet for some reason.
I have never been doxxed & know of a few who have. It's a hard situation to be in especially if you don't have the money, means to remedy the situation.
I've never been doxxed. None of my personal information is out there for anyone to target me with it. Unless somehow my information get into the Dark Web which I'm not sure how they do it. If it's too bad and damaging to me, I will take take legal action against who brought it forward.