GF game staff


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all right GF needs some game staff to really get this place going. What we need is Gaming staff to post revewis/previews, Cheats, and Guides. If your interested fill out the template below and post it in this forum. I urge the current members of the forum to go out and look for people to fill these spots. If you managed to get some of them here and they confirm it the person who got them here will get a special prize!
Job wanted:
Examples of your work:
Past Experience:
Reason why you want the job:
Will you be active:
Name: ukn
Job wanted: Game Staff
Examples of your work: ?
Past Experience: None in this area, but...

Global Moderator - Shinobi Legends (Known as Lawliet Namikaze)

Global Moderator - Old Anime M-X

Provision Staff - Infinite Results

Roleplay Moderator - Bleach Empire

Reason why you want the job: I love Games and am talented at writing.
Will you be active: As applicable.

Do you have any specific games you would like to review or preview as a test. I only have a few games for the PS3 though and it is the only system I have.

QUOTE (ukn @ August 14, 2008 09:56 pm) Do you have any specific games you would like to review or preview as a test. I only have a few games for the PS3 though and it is the only system I have.

post what ever you can.
Name:Deviant Shadow
Job wanted: Game Staff
Examples of your work: None
Past Experience: None
Reason why you want the job: I would like to add some walkthroughs and guides
Will you be active: Yeah I can be active 10 hours a week
QUOTE (Deviant Shadow @ August 15, 2008 01:03 pm) Name:Deviant Shadow
Job wanted: Game Staff
Examples of your work: None
Past Experience: None
Reason why you want the job: I would like to add some walkthroughs and guides
Will you be active: Yeah I can be active 10 hours a week
alright time to let you Guiding Gamers know what I expect of you. (thats the best name I could come up with, if you got better ones let me know.) I expect a weekly update or either a review, cheat, or guide. you are mods for those forums were you can do anything. good luck and bring us lot's of good posts. All so members can still post cheats, guides, reviews as well.
yo, DS! i don't have time and would hate to let you down if i was staff and couldn't fulfill the requirements, but, just to let you know, in the next few days , i'm gonna try and pump out some user reviews for ya from my end. they'll mainly be nintendo related, such as DS games, wii games, wii ware, and VC. i'll do what i can to help.
Name: DSFAN121
Job wanted: Game Staff (reviewing mostly)
Examples of your work: will show some soon, in addition to upcoming reviews
Past Experience:
Reason why you want the job: I want to review like this in real life, this will help me.
Will you be active: My activity will increase one-thousand-fold.
Name: The Reaper
Job wanted: Graphic Gamers or Uber Game Mod
Examples of your work: and i can do whatever sig you want or banner. and here is the website i run
Past Experience: Admin/GFX Leader of the Defiant Eclipse
Reason why you want the job: The site rocks and I want to contribute to some of my good friends in what any way i can. I feel like i know almost everyone here know and hopefully like me back

Will you be active:I will be active way more then i ever was before. pretty much everyday now, but i may miss 1 day or two to "Job Requirements"
QUOTE (The Reaper @ August 18, 2008 05:16 pm) Name: The Reaper
Job wanted: Graphic Gamers or Uber Game Mod
Examples of your work: and i can do whatever sig you want or banner. and here is the website i run
Past Experience: Admin/GFX Leader of the Defiant Eclipse
Reason why you want the job: The site rocks and I want to contribute to some of my good friends in what any way i can. I feel like i know almost everyone here know and hopefully like me back

Will you be active:I will be active way more then i ever was before. pretty much everyday now, but i may miss 1 day or two to "Job Requirements"
this is only for cheat, guide and review staff but hey welcome to the graphic gamers.