Gift or purchase?


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Do you ever get your video games as gifts for birthday, Christmas, etc.? Or do you have to purchase them yourself? Is it some of both?
Since my birthday doubles as Christmas, you better believe I have :grin:

Sadly at this point all games I get will have to be bought by myself.
My birthday is in July and it's no where near Christmas. The up side to that is I can get some presents half way through the year before Christmas would arrive. Plus, when I was a kid, I would get a chance to enjoy them before I was forced to go back to school for the start of the year. At Christmas time, it was a similar case. We always got off for 2 weeks for Christmas (it was usually referred to as Winter Break). So you'd have a couple of weeks to enjoy what you got for Christmas before going back to school again. Now that I'm out of school, I don't have those luxuries anymore. I get one day off for my Birthday (it's one of the paid holidays I get at my job) and I get off one day for Christmas. So I'm a lot more limited on time when it comes to enjoying what I get for Birthday/Christmas.

Anyway, most of the games I get are gifts given to me on my Birthday or for Christmas. I rarely have to purchase a game myself.