My birthday is in July and it's no where near Christmas. The up side to that is I can get some presents half way through the year before Christmas would arrive. Plus, when I was a kid, I would get a chance to enjoy them before I was forced to go back to school for the start of the year. At Christmas time, it was a similar case. We always got off for 2 weeks for Christmas (it was usually referred to as Winter Break). So you'd have a couple of weeks to enjoy what you got for Christmas before going back to school again. Now that I'm out of school, I don't have those luxuries anymore. I get one day off for my Birthday (it's one of the paid holidays I get at my job) and I get off one day for Christmas. So I'm a lot more limited on time when it comes to enjoying what I get for Birthday/Christmas.
Anyway, most of the games I get are gifts given to me on my Birthday or for Christmas. I rarely have to purchase a game myself.