GL Update 11/8


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It's a new month! I am thankful for your membership! and new updates on the Gaming Latest forum.

Welcome to the eleventh month of the year everyone, sorry once more for the late update but (@&#*!) school and work has made your admin lazy and busy! So better late than never we as always will start with....

---- Of the Month ----

Congrats to WitchAssassin WitchAssassin for making member of the month with high activity and for pulling a double with the topic Nintendo versus the world?

---- Arcade ----

Haven't had a chance to locate a new site for games yet, but enjoy our modest collection in the meantime!

---- Site update ----

I updated the site recently software wise to fix an issue with the upload a file tab showing a white box.

Let me know if there are any other issues.

---- *crickets chirp and construction sounds* ----

Once again I deeply apologize for the stagnate state of this forum. However! I am planning on some changes and get things rolling on the first of the year. Please look forward to the update of the new year!

---- Thanks for sticking with us! ----

That's another update folks. Activity is picking up and as always we will keep on keeping on! So we have lots of things in planning stages so please look forward to more news and updates from us!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 197,973 posts and 1,985 members and in the last month we made 973 posts and got 11 new members!
It will probably be cold for us. Jan. is the dead of winter down here. hehe
It has been raining here the past couple days. Not too cold tho! Supposed to be like 70 tomorrow. Wha?? lol