- Credits
- 55,950
Welcome to a new month! Everything is in chaos? And many new updates on the GL forums.
Welcome everyone to the second forum update of the new year! Lots to cover so as always let us start off with....
--- Of the Month ----
Member of the month goes to @Dead2009 for many great posts on the forum! Congrats
Topic of the month goes to: New thumb joystick tech with no drift, Hall effect sticks
---- Contest Winners----
Congrats to everyone who won the contests in the past month! All prizes have been given out, so enjoy! Fight hard for the future contests!
---- GL Version 2.3 Changlog----
So as you know, there was half a day downtime and in that time I updated a lot of stuff on the forum, from software to visual changes, here is what I did for better record:
All themes were slimed down to a new Retro Arcade looking theme, the Xenforo default theme and I had the GL green dark/light brought over, which the GL green is somewhat broken, but is a place holder till I find something nicer. If you see a Xenforo theme you like to see on the site, please feel free to suggest it
Board changes, this is a lot, I merged and rename the news board into the World of Gaming boards. Created a new section named Gaming Passions and within it listed popular video game genres. You can use your best judgement at where to post in these board areas, the boards may be changed or discarded due to activity. Me and the rest of GL staff will keep an eye on it. General gaming discussion board was moved here as well.
I made a new section called Gamers Hub, I renamed Gamer's logs to Gamer's Chronicles, where you can keep track of what you play and post gaming reviews as well! I hope people take time to review what they played
The Eatery was placed in off topic area since its popular. Higher game was moved to the bottom of the board and I disbanded the social groups since it wasn't very good at this time.
Side bar clean up, I know the side bar was looking ugly, but I cleaned it up a bit. Top poster of the month sadly was no longer supported so I did swap it out with Most Posts, but it isn't the same. I'm hoping to find something suitable in the near future. Trending content can also be found here, where people post the most, not sure if I will keep this as its pretty static in its topics at this point.
Profile Audio, everyone's profile can now host an array of music and videos! I'm still playing with it, but mess with it as well and make something fun!
Made a new board in the GL area named, Community events & contests. Here staff and members alike can post contests for the community! I hope to see some exciting stuff.
Finally, you can now use passkeys to login to the site now! To make it quick, easy and secure.
I hope you all enjoy the update and will work towards future updates and activity for the site
---- Store Credit Pause ----
Sorry folks, the online credit gift cards will be paused for another month or two, but they will return soon!
---- January Awards ----
Thank you! Top five posters of the month have gotten their awards! Congrats!
---- Discord once more ----
Please be sure to join our discord! To get snippets of game deals, quick general chatter, watch some games/anime together and more! All info here: GamingLatest Official Discord Server
---- State of the World----
Quick on this one folks, I don't bring politics in like this, but the USA elected a less than stellar leader and things are looking grim for many. I do not believe I am in any danger but I'm not sure if communications will get blocked or cut off due to things that may be coming. The site will be run by others till I get back online should things happen, till then remain strong and always fight for what is right.
That's it for this update folks! I hope you all find something to love and enjoy the forum changes
--- Stats ----
We currently have 545,068 posts and 4,229 members. In this last month we made over 1,284 posts! We got 6 new members!