GL update 3/3


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It's a new month! Third forum update of the third day of the third month! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the third forum update of the year! Holy crap what a month February was for me, hard to believe it is March. Anyway, let us begin with...

---- Of the Month ----

Goes to OPG609 OPG609 for assisting me with posting new topics in the gaming news board! Appreciate it!

Topic of the month goes to: Gaming Latest branding

---- New images ----

Hark! Can it be? YES! New custom GL smilies at long last!


Major major and many thanks to Varlot Varlot for making them and to Revolved101 Revolved101 for help pulling the needed recommendations. Now! Updating the smilies took a bit longer than I thought, so they aren't all uploaded/perfect yet. But still working on them. I will make a topic later this weekend when I have them done. Let me know your thoughts so far.

Also! New favicons can be seen in the upper corner, if you have notifications there will be a red circle to show that. Also the favicon responds to what color theme you have (dark or light), thanks again to Varlot for them :)

---- Software update----

The forum software has been updated, I think it was mostly security stuff, so let me know if there are any issues.

I plan on announcing new addons but again, the smilie project took too long, so next time for those!

---- Social Media----

As a reminder to follow Trilient's youtube channel:

If you need a quick update on news, keep an eye on our twitter:

Or quickly chat in our partnered Tiger21820 Tiger21820's Discord server! Links can be found in the newly made Social media tab on the top navigation.

New Site!

I have decided to start Gaming Latest a guilded server to run alongside Tiger's discord server. This is just a test for now and still being set up, more info soon.

---- Groove to the music----

I am pleased to announce a partnership with, a great site to relax and listen to music to. You can find the link to the side of the forum on the main index.

---- Game Winner----

Congrats to cm2 cm2 again for winning a free video game! As always, strive to win MotM to get your chance next year!

---- New Moderator----

Once again, welcome Artisan Vistra Artisan Vistra as our new mod! Congrats once more.

That's it for this update, I hope everyone has a great Irish month, don't stress out over the loss of an hour for DST people and see you next month!

We currently have 466,579 posts and 4,324 members. In this last month we made over 2,626 posts! We also gained 20 new members!
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Thanks Mr. Demon ! :) Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith Yep I am happy for winning the MOTM lucky game draw ! :)Haven't used the US$ 60 prize from Mr. Demon though. Hmm probably I am going to to buy Star Ocean: The Divine Force with it later this year, when it's out.
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Thanks Mr. Demon ! :) Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith Yep I am happy for winning the MOTM lucky game draw ! :)Haven't used the US$ 60 prize from Mr. Demon though. Hmm probably I am going to to buy Star Ocean: The Divinine Force with it later this year, when it's out.
What's Star Ocean The Divinnie Force?
What's Star Ocean The Divinnie Force?
Typed that one wrong lol it should be :
Star Ocean: The Divine Force with PLOT companion Elena lol, Jrpg :
Congratulations OPG609 OPG609 for making the coveted Member of the Month!

Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith I hope you're prepared for what kinds of members you're going to be dealing with on Guilded! They're a very nasty breed of spammers and trolls! They're the reason that I quit Guilded in the first place! Make sure you implement some VERY STRICT guidelines, and DO NOT LET ANYONE in until they have read and understood them!
Congratulations OPG609 OPG609 for making the coveted Member of the Month!

Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith I hope you're prepared for what kinds of members you're going to be dealing with on Guilded! They're a very nasty breed of spammers and trolls! They're the reason that I quit Guilded in the first place! Make sure you implement some VERY STRICT guidelines, and DO NOT LET ANYONE in until they have read and understood them!
We can have it like how Discord has it with them to add a phone before they can connect