GL update 3/4


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It's a new month! The world is getting sicker! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the third month of the year and as always we need to go over a few things thats happening on the forum news wise but first off we start with...

---- Of the Month ----

MotM goes to..... WitchAssassin WitchAssassin for her great and constant posting through out the forum! Truly appreciated from the bottom of my gaming heart.

Topic of the month goes to..... How long...?

---- The arcade ----

*extreme sigh* Alright, alright... so back when GL went v2 we lost our built in arcade (because it is a dying thing apparently) and had to go a bit external. So I found (what I really thought) was a great substitute and at first it was but now.... nothing but issues (no games saving score) and I'm getting zero support by the arcade maker which has left the arcade stagnet since... October? Anyways, despite the time and money put into it I must announce that...

The arcade will be scrapped.

Or at least will be soon if I don't get some resolution soon, as I really don't want to lose this work (or the money put into it).

So if anyone has suggestions on how to proceed ( Revolved101 King45Gamer , Danielx64 Danielx64) Let me know. (I think the former list I had is gone)

---- coronavirus ----

This has nothing to do with the forum (hopefully never) but I did want to take a moment to caution every GL and GR member to mind yourself while out in public as it is spreading around. Not really deadly to the healthy, but it can disrupt a lot of things and already has affected a lot of gaming events and products in these last weeks and months to come.

Just be sure to wash your hands, don't touch your face and keep an eye on GL in the coming months for any news updates relating to this on gaming related events.

---- Staff ----

I am still seeking additional staff for the forum. If you are interested please PM me to discuss further.

And that is it, short update for a short month. I hope you all stay healthy, enjoy your gaming for the coming month and look forward to the next updates!

---- Stats ----

We currently have 420,420 (lol) posts and 4,094 members. In this last month we made over 1,343 posts! And gained 21 members.
Nice new Avatar Revolved101 King45Gamer , so, Big Boss eh? lol what happened to Ariana Grande?