GL update 6/7


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It's a new month! It's not E3 :( And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the sixth update of the year! Sorry for the lateness, but I've been busy and will be a bit more busy in the coming week as I complete my living revamp. So I'll keep this short and sweet as we start off with...

---- Of the Month ----

MotM goes to... Varlot Gobats for awesome posting and a reason as shown below for images.

Topic of the month is.... 40 Years of Pac-Man

---- Show your pride! ----

Thanks to Gobats, you can place some GL based images in your sig here and around other forums (where advertising is allowed), feel free to use GL's Media hosting under the Uploads tab in the top. Check them out here: Get your GL Rank Signatures!

---- Welcome Mod ----

I like to welcome @Karulean as our newest Mod, please keep the forum safe and spam free.

---- Site update----

Last month there was a software upgrade, and there will be another one this month again most likely near the end. Since it has been one year now for GL's revamp, I'm going to review what needs to be done and start putting the screws to myself to get them done.

---- No E3 buuuut----

If you've been keeping up with the news or checking out the topics here on GL, E3 is not happening this year thanks to deadly corna. By this time I've brought out the E3 boards, posting all the upcoming rumors and getting the party going. Sadly, not happening this year, though there will be other news events happening, as to how much will be flooding out is to be determined, if the news is becoming overwhelming, I will make new boards to contain them all till everyone has seen and posted in them.

It's a very sad thing, this is the first time this forum hasn't celebrated the flood of E3 news and hope to do so next year. Till then, keep an eye on GL for the latest in big gaming news.

And that is all! I hope you are all taking care of yourself, specially mentally. Work hard on those gaming back logs and please stay safe everyone. And! if you are in area that is opening up, please, please, pllllleeeasse do not just wildly go out. You should still quarantine yourself till you see the amount of affected people in your area become zero for two weeks.

We currently have 425,544 posts and 4,204 members. In this last month we made over 2,072 posts! And gained 47 members.
Congrats Varlot Gobats for becoming a MOTM :)!