God, this is just pathetic...


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Wait! People are sick of me? *sticks chest out further* How about now?

Seriously, sex sells; it is a proven fact. In my advertisement school my teacher used an example that I never forgot which summed it up pretty well. Remember those old Coke commercials where you would see the soda poured into a glass and then one drop of condensation would drip down the side? That was because the advertisement was trying to make the coke 'sexy', as she worded it. The point is, like you said, the survey's will always show what they want if they are rigged.

On the topic of Sexism, yes, it exists, but it is damned marketable! No amount of bitching or whining will change that and it works both ways. Ever gone to an anime convention? If so then you've undoubtedly seen swarms of women around cosplayers for characters such as Sephiroth. Mario is a fat Italian plumber... fat and plumber are not sexy concepts to many and I have never heard once anyone state that he is sexy. Meanwhile, Nathan Drake on Sony's side I have seen fangirls swoon for. Point is, as pretentious as it sounds sometimes looks DO matter and CAN sell a product and anyone claiming otherwise is fooling no one; not even themselves. If it didn't sell people would stop doing it. twenty-plus years later I'm still in spin-off games despite my franchise having died in the 90's. Still increasing in popularity, too! If you feel brave and are curious of what I mean, do an image search of me with your safe search off on Google of Bing. ;)

I'm sure there ARE people out there who are sick of sexual characters like those in Soul Calibur or Dead or Alive, for example, but from my experience it is usually someone who is insecure with their own looks. Most of the people I know who are bitching about sexy characters and there being 'too many' are overweight females (never once heard a guy do it, oddly) but the people I know who are fit or slender are like "I'm going to cosplay the SHIT out of them!" just upon seeing merely a preview screenshot even before a game comes out. I've admittedly done the latter with the trailer of Elder Scrolls Online.

My gripe is I find the whole "overly large breasts" thing getting out of hand. Maybe it is because I'm not into excessive bosom sizes, but I've noticed it is getting ridiculous with how many characters are getting the 'Mai Shiranui' treatment as of late. I'm all for a smoking-hot female character, but at least make them look realistic in shape, like Bayonetta or something if you are going to go for extremes. I mean, Capcom even does it with mine in every game that comes out. Don't believe me? go look at my C-cups in Darkstalkers one and then my D's in Darkstalkers 3 and then my avatar from Cross Edge I am using on this forum. At least the shape is realistic (which is why I use it, in all honesty. Too round looks fake and I hate fake chests).
This culture of getting offended by every little thing in video games is going to ruin gaming. I suspect most people that complain about it either don't play them at all or are casual fans of one or two series. The solution is to stop giving these people attention when they start rambling about something begin racist, sexist, or any of those other buzz words. They are the racist imho.

I'm a white guy, I have blue eyes, I live in the south. You know what? Never had any issue with people that weren't the same color as me where I live. I judge a man by what he does, not what he looks like. I get a long with everyone just fine as long as they aren't looking to start trouble.

You know what I'm called online? "Cis-white male scum" They tell me I'm privileged yet I barely make ends meat, can't afford health insurance, don't qualify for welfare (which I wouldn't take anyway), have been harassed and beaten up by the local police twice (along with other things I won't mention), and I've done manual labor almost every day of my life since I was 6 since we all grew up poor.

Finally, if these people think they know better than those that create video games why don't they fight with fire? Instead of complaining they should get off their high horse and actually develop a decent game. If there are as many people out there that are offended by what they claim everyone should be offended by then surely their fans would buy it.

That's my main issue with people like this. They rarely create any type of content.
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This culture of getting offended by every little thing in video games is going to ruin gaming. I suspect most people that complain about it either don't play them at all or are casual fans of one or two series. The solution is to stop giving these people attention when they start rambling about something begin racist, sexist, or any of those other buzz words. They are the racist imho.

I'm a white guy, I have blue eyes, I live in the south. You know what? Never had any issue with people that weren't the same color as me where I live. I judge a man by what he does, not what he looks like. I get a long with everyone just fine as long as they aren't looking to start trouble.

You know what I'm called online? "Cis-white male scum" They tell me I'm privileged yet I barely make ends meat, can't afford health insurance, don't qualify for welfare (which I wouldn't take anyway), have been harassed and beaten up by the local police twice (along with other things I won't mention), and I've done manual labor almost every day of my life since I was 6 since we all grew up poor.

Finally, if these people think they know better than those that create video games why don't they fight with fire? Instead of complaining they should get off their high horse and actually develop a decent game. If there are as many people out there that are offended by what they claim everyone should be offended by then surely their fans would buy it.

That's my main issue with people like this. They rarely create any type of content.

Pretty much this in a nutshell.

Of course, what these people never say about the 'privilege' crap is that their own 'privilege' is far more than those they complain about. Ever wonder about some of these people's backgrounds? Oh, related to some millionaire/tycoon while complaining about poorer people? Yeah...

And yes, if you want to change things, make games. More variety in games is better than less, regardless of whose 'variety' powers the latter.
This is why I keep checking Maddox's blog. It is like Aensland says sex sells. It is catering a natural instinct. What gets me of the whole thing is how people make it out to be as if it was an isolated event only happening to one gender. Only women are given the sexual omph. I am pretty sure there are many male characters specially in RPG that are sexualized for girls. Bishounen people show unrealistic clothes and at best androgynous characteristics that baffle many men the way that big boobies and hips connected to a wisp waist baffle women. Furthermore, since things are not black and white you have girls enjoying games targeted to men and men enjoying games catered for girls. It is like that MLP thing. When something is good you won't care who it was intended for and you won't let some of its flaws to stop you from enjoying the good things the game has to offer. Zelda is cliché. I don't play it to think in these things and obviously a franchise of 25+ years with a good global fan base speaks volume about this. Oh, no. Zelda got captured. Let's rage!

It is just silly. Videogames are not being different to many books, paintings and movies out there. It is not a videogame thing, it is a cultural thing. Only when the majority doesn't find it appealing and using those tropes causes loses instead of grabbing the public is when it will decrease in the media. That requires a shift that happens over time, like the way we're now more open than three generations ago regarding these kind of topics.

Finally, if these people think they know better than those that create video games why don't they fight with fire? Instead of complaining they should get off their high horse and actually develop a decent game.
This is the thing. They want others to adapt to their ideals. They are consumers demanding creators change for them, not to expand to them. To change. They rarely want to make a change themselves and assume the role of creators. I guess ranting gives them the feeling they're accomplishing something.