Going Tier 3


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Alright, it's time for hurricane to ascend in the last BVS tier. We will ascend on *covers eyes and throws a dart at a nearby calender* May 21st. Before then I highly suggest getting the sliver eye bloodline as nearly all villages in the tier 3 are high ranking IR villages making them hard to attack. Going T3 allows us to fight all new kaiju so make sure you start getting strong for them as they have HUGE amounts of HP.

If you need the sliver eye bloodline drop me a PM so I can set you up to work the invasions prep so you can choose targets you can attack. I also recommend getting ninpo mask now and the best way is to have the villagers fail a spying attempt on a high peace time village.

When we go T3 I will promote another villager to the rank of VK as well, this will happen a day or two before going T3.

That's all for now.
Out of topic...

didnt quite understand this? "I also recommend getting ninpo mask now and the best way is to have the villagers fail a spying attempt on a high peace time village. "
to get ninpo mask you must unbingo a large amount of villagers in a village with a storm favor. So it's best to either request a large bingo'ing on the bvs forums or just have a bunch of hurricane villagers fail a spying attempt.
T3 sounds pretty cool..though right now sounds like neither of my characters will be very useful. the semester is starting to wrap up so haven't been as active in game as i would like...plus other village is taking a bit to earn resourses to get upgrades....if anyone could help that would be awesome cause means i could bring shifter back to hurricane...sorry got off topic lol