Good Movie or TV Video Game Adaptations?


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I've gotten to play a lot of movie/TV adaptations like Family Guy, Simpsons, Transformers, Afro Samurai, Iron Man, etc., and I found almost none of them were even above average. I did kind of enjoy Simpsons and Iron Man on the PSP, but not really enough for me to want to come back to it.

Are there any TV or movie games that you guys think deserve mention, or are they all really just that mediocre? 
I don't think any of the movie based games are anything amazing, they're usually for kids who like the movie so they think they'll get some sales out of making a quick game.
The best I know of is goldeney 007 on N64 and the high moon transformers games.
Hmm, the EA 007 games were all pretty great and I eternally say that Knights of the Old Republic II is the best Star Wars Video Game.
Ridge said:
Recently I think South Park and Duck Tales are worth mentioning.
Very good call! I've totally forgotten about these two. I haven't gotten to play Stick of Truth yet, but I heard great things about it and from the previews I've seen, I'm fairly sure I'd like it. I've gotten to play Duck Tales on Genesis though, and I agree that it was an amazing game, as I'm not even that much of a fan of the cartoon nor do I like cute games but even I enjoyed this thoroughly - enough to play through it multiple times.
I think this game called Wii Fit needs a shout out because it is just a great game that promotes exercise and that is something I enjoy doing on games. I think the game is awesome, and I am wondering if anyone else has played it?