Good topics ignored


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What do you do when you see good topics go ingored on your fourm or see one if you're a posting member?
I might try and bump it if it was just ignored because there wasn't the member base at that time. If it still gets ignored then I might just let it die and then create the same sort of topic later down the road. 
It depends if I started it and/or was the later poster. It just shows too much desperation. Users not always pick what we think they will.
In my case it is because I usually overcomplicate things, either by making long sentences or not leaving with some questions that opens dialogue for them.
Analysing what works has helped me raise a bit the activity in my communities. Sometimes just changing the title is enough to call on the attention, as some titles can be vague, confusing or misleading.

Anyway, it is kind of asd to me to find great topics being ignored. If I can help them with a reply I try to make one. If I can't t the time I bookmark it, hoping to return to it when I have more time.