Google Android becoming most popular operating system of all


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Android -- not Windows, not an Apple operating system -- beats all other end-user operating systems by a long shot.

Consider what Gartner said in 2013: Android devices out-shipped Windows devices by more than two-to-one.

It gets worse for Windows from there.

In 2014, Gartner predicts that Android will out-sale Windows by three-and-a-half to one. Come 2015, Gartner sees Android running ahead of Windows by 3.67-to-one. No wonder Microsoft seems to be turning to Android for its own smartphones, such as the recently announced Nokia X2.

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I bet most of these Android devices are those cheap $20-50 Android computers, $50-200 Tablets and smartphone, and Google Android game consoles like the Gamestick, Ouya, Madcatz mojo, and Fire TV.

I wonder if Gartner included Amazon devices like the Kindle Fire, Fire TV, and Fire Phone which all run a modified version of Android with Amazon branding and apps on it.

The $35 Google Chromecast uses a modified version of Android as well.

It is amazing that the "Others" Operating System is number 2 behind Android, and beating both Windows and Apple.
Indeed, it is a shame that Google does not really take care of Android as well as it could of with its many coders, and Android users need to wait so long for updates to fix problems like lag, and slow wifi.

If you know how to code, or have money to hire coders like Amazon you can make a modify version of Android for free which works better because Google Android is open source, so you are allowed to change it with your codes. I guest it is Google's problem of not attracting enough coders, and volunteer coders to work on updates for improving Android like Linux which is now more easy to use, and better because many coders work on improving it.