Google Chrome OS Operating System Web Traffic Surges 700 Percent


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Since last June, Chrome OS's share of traffic on Chitika's ad network has shot up by 700 percent, the firm said. Still, Web traffic from Chrome OS users represents less than 0.1 percent of all North American desktop and laptop-based Web traffic to sites on the company's network.


Wow, a 700% surge in Web traffic from Google Chrome OS. I wonder would Google's operating systems like Android, Google TV, Chrome OS, and other un-release OS from Google will soon be the most used operating system online for most online users.

I bet the surge will be a lot higher when Chrome OS gets released to other countries in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, and South America. emerging countries like China, India, and other countries where a lot of people can't afford a PC which can run a newer version of Windows like 7 and 8, and don't have the money to spend on a OS which cost hundreds of dollars.
Since last June, Chrome OS's share of traffic on Chitika's ad network has shot up by 700 percent, the firm said. Still, Web traffic from Chrome OS users represents less than 0.1 percent of all North American desktop and laptop-based Web traffic to sites on the company's network.


Wow, a 700% surge in Web traffic from Google Chrome OS. I wonder would Google's operating systems like Android, Google TV, Chrome OS, and other un-release OS from Google will soon be the most used operating system online for most online users.

I bet the surge will be a lot higher when Chrome OS gets released to other countries in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, and South America. emerging countries like China, India, and other countries where a lot of people can't afford a PC which can run a newer version of Windows like 7 and 8, and don't have the money to spend on a OS which cost hundreds of dollars.

Most likely it will keep going up. Do these statistics also include Chrome alternatives like Chromium?
GA, yes, but Google sells netbooks and nettops which only have Chrome. It's a tad silly in the case of the Pixel, which I would like if it had more HDD space.
I read online Google is sponsoring schools by selling discounted and giving away cheap Google Chrome Book Netbooks, and nettops to schools, so I think a lot of the risein Chrome OS users could be from schools, non-profits, and small buisnesses/ and Start-ups which Google is sponsoring, or renting Chromebooks for a low price every year, and also providing tech support for them for a cheap price.