Google Chrome Surges Past 10% Market Share


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For January, Net Applications estimates that Chrome now holds 10.7% of the market, up 0.72 points over December. Over the past year, chrome more than doubled its share once again (up from 5.22% in January 2009). IE, on the other hand, is surrendering share on an even faster pace and was down 1.08 points to 56.0% compared to December.

Firefox is hanging on to what it has and is estimated to hold about 22.75% share. According to Net Applications, Firefox has been hovering around 22-23% for six months.

Microsoft is taking the whole deal with apparent humor, as it stated that IE9 now holds 1.82% on Windows 7 (maybe they weren't really trying to be funny). Overall, IE9 Beta holds just 0.5% of the browser market, which is alright for a beta browser, but disappointing if we look at the effort Microsoft puts into marketing the browser. What doesn't make quite sense is Microsoft's claim that 23 million IE9 browsers have been downloaded - and maybe that number does not really matter anyway.

Google says that 120 million people are using Chrome and Net Applications estimates Google's share at 10.7%. If we transfer that relationship to IE9, then IE9 should have about 2% market share - if all those downloaders are actually using the browser. However, it seems that - and that is pure speculation and based on Net Aplications' numbers - 75% of IE9 dowloaders have dumped the browser again.

It could be worse, though. You could be quoting StatCounters market share numbers (IE:46%, Chrome almost 16%, Firefox about 31%), or W3Scools' numbers (IE 27.5%, Chrome 22.4%, Firefox 43.5%).


Congrats to Google for making a great browser which manage to get more then 10% of the internet population using it.
that is good, it will give firefox a run for it's money.