Google Chrome Zone (Google Computer Store for Chromebook laptop) video


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Google Chromebook's store called Chrome Zone looks cool. I like that you can take the Chromebook home free for 7 days to use at home to try out. The store looks pretty nice. I never expected Google to have a retail store offline, but it looks pretty nice.

The Store looks like a good place to buy Chromebooks, and work if you are looking for a job in a retail computer store since it looks a lot better, and more relaxed then BestBuy...
I wonder what kind of info you have to give to take one of those home for free.
Err, what exactly are chromebooks? new laptops? :D

Google's Laptop brand with the Chrome OS which is based on Linux, and Google's operating system which is based on Google Chrome.

I wonder what kind of info you have to give to take one of those home for free.

I bet you just need to leave your phone number, address, and name, and Google can probably very easily find you if you steal their Chrome Laptop since they can just look up your I.P. from the free cellular wireless internet service which comes with all Chromebooks, so you are connected to the internet all the time.
I bet a lot of people just go to Chrome Zone for the free internet, and a comfortable place to sit while browsing the web compared to using free internet from a restaurant, coffee shop, or library which can be annoying if there are loud people or kids.