Google Chromebook laptop now 20% of all commercial laptop sales


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Sales of Chromebooks exploded from basically nothing in 2012 to more than 20 percent of the U.S. commercial PC market, analyst firm NPD reported on Monday, while Windows PCs and Macs remained flat at best.


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I like the inexpensive price of a Chromebook, and that it comes with a SSD drive so startup, and shutdowns are very fast, and the Chromebook requires no maintenance like disk defrag, scandisk, and disk cleanup which is more common in Windows PC.

For people who need a more feature-rich operating system for playing older PC games, they can install the free Ubuntu Linux operating system on a Chromebook to use programs like OpenOffice, Firefox, and play games like Torcs, Assault Cube, and Tux racer.

I been using an Acer C720 Chromebook for browsing forums, watching YouTube videos, writing blog posts, and doing most of my other online, and a few offline tasks like Word Processing with Google Docs, and it works pretty fast, and a Chromebook only cost $199.

I bet once a company like Acer figures out how to make a $99-149 Google Chromebook, the Google Chromebook will be 50% or more of the US sales of notebooks because people like buying affordable electronics like cheaper Google Android phones sold by Samsung, LG, and Huawei which cost $99 or less.
I read on a blog that Google Chromebook laptops are popular with schools, small businesses, and people with money problems because of their low $200-270 prices.