Google Chromebooks Are Outselling iPads In Schools


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It turns out that instead of buying iPads, schools are buying Chromebooks. Google reported that a million Chromebooks were sold to schools last quarter, well over half of the 1.8 million units sold in the second quarter. With Android tablets getting better, Apple is losing market share in the consumer tablet market, and now it looks Apple is also losing the educational market to Google. Analysts are predicting that 5 million Chromebooks will be sold by the end of the year; how many of those will be sold to schools, do you think?

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I think the reason for Google Chromebooks outselling iPads is because schools can be discounted Chromebooks for cheaper prices.

Chromebooks are also easier to use than iPads because Chromebooks is mainly the Google Chrome browser which most people know how to use. There is also a keyboard, and touchpad ,which is not available on the iPad,  for typing documents, and making presentations/slide shows for class .
probably because it's cheaper and more user friendly I believe, anyways anything is better than i product.
Chromebooks are also compatible with Ubuntu Linux, so you can install Skyrim, Minecraft, and other games and programs which work for Ubuntu Linux.

Plus, students should learn how to use Linux since it maybe the operating system of the future if Windows stick to the Windows 8 design which is more limited, and harder to custumize or use on Desktop computer, or MS makes Windows to simple where it can only do a few things instead of many things like Linux.
Well this is how it should be, iPads are expensive.

I agree iPads are expensive.

iPads are also more difficult to repair compared to Chromebooks which are usually just cheap laptops where replacing the screen, keyboard, and other parts are harder to repair on an iPad or Tablet where it may take more skills and time to do most tablet repairs.