Aug 3, 2012 #1 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 52,249 I hear that Google might be or already has (not sure) entered the Internet Service Provider business. Would you use google as your ISP?
I hear that Google might be or already has (not sure) entered the Internet Service Provider business. Would you use google as your ISP?
Aug 4, 2012 #2 Lleyn Beep Full GL Member Credits 1,000 Depends on what they offer and for how much. Though i doubt it will be available here.
Aug 4, 2012 #3 froggyboy604 Well-Known Member Staff member Manager Full GL Member Credits 23,481 I heard Google ISP is only available in Kansas City, Kansas, and it is 1Gbps. I would use it if I can afford it, or if it was free like the search engine, gmail, YouTube, and other Google services.
I heard Google ISP is only available in Kansas City, Kansas, and it is 1Gbps. I would use it if I can afford it, or if it was free like the search engine, gmail, YouTube, and other Google services.