Google Page Rank Updates


Well-Known Member
I've been studying the art og google pageranks, which grade you on your forum's submitted backlinks, and how well your site is searhced, and listed on Google.

you can check your forum's pagerank at this site. Just put your forum's url in the filed, and click "Get Page Rank"

And, yes, i am happy to say, after all my hard work, in advertising, submitting to highly ranked directories, and top site listing, the Brawl domain has reached a PageRank of 2 , as of yesterday
I'm fixing to start a backlink exchange, for members/forums with a PR1 or higher.

They're PERFECT for maintaing, and building more pagerank.

If you're interested, let me know. you're link will be placed at the bottom, which will be a permamnet link index.

See, at the bottom, where you have "website submission" in tiny letters, that's where you'd add me, if you were interested.

I've already got 3 forums signed on.

It has nothing to do with advertising, but google looks for index'ed backlinks... and this owuld make our PR's even stronger!