Google to Employees Get No Christmas Bonus


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In holidays past, when money flowed like hot Santa tears and melted gum drops , Googlers looked forward to cash bonuses that topped $20,000. This year, they're getting $180 worth of "dogfood"—a G1.

Yep, they're all getting G1s—even Google, who prints money as a hobby, is feeling the financiapocalypse:

This is a chance for us to once again dogfood a product and make it even better! Second, as we discussed in our email this week, the current economic crisis requires us to be more conservative about how we spend our money. We felt that giving the Dream phone would be a great holiday present - something we could all celebrate.

In corporate tech jargon, to "dogfood" a product is a reference to eating one's own dog food—that is, making employees use the products that they're shipping out to you. Lenovo does it, Microsoft does it, Google does it, everyone does it. Theoretically, it makes stuff better, since employees don't want to be stuck using a POS, so they'll make it better.

Still, this isn't any old G1, oh no sir: It's specially designed for Googlers with a 'droid' on the back! Wooooo. Okay, it actually is kind of special: It's totally unlocked and can be used with any GSM network provider. Which is great, except that 3G won't work, unless they've also got totally different networking gear inside because of the crazy way T-Mobile uses its spectrum.

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