Government Spying Through Cell Phones/GPS


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Scary, I think this is wrong. I guess I buy a cell phone without GPS, and make sure its not installed on cars I own or borrow.
scary, scary as in that this is another moment that taking intro to data processing has allow me to say something like this:

In computer class yesterday I learned that GPS is pretty much everywhere now. Learned that the military and john deep have GPS in all their gear. You can try frog but soon GPS will be everywhere and in everything and I'm betting humans as well.
Indeed, I bet pretty soon or already GPS could be on a sticker, shoe, or a coin to slip GPS into someone loose change when someone give you the change for your money at vending machines, banks, etc.
They also read your Twitter Tweets to try to expell/fire you for using the F-Word you according to this video.
Scary is the fact that what we once considered to be a reasonable expectation of privacy when in public, such as not filming someone without their permission, etc., is all gone. We worry about the government spying on us, when we should really be worried about the fact that we are spying on each other.

There are assholes out there who like to film overweight people eating, and then post it on youtube, to get tons of hits, and they don't care that they are violating that person's privacy, and it doesn't make them any better than the perverts that try to point their cameras up women's skirts.

Do I even have to mention sites like Facebook and Twitter where people are all too happy to air their dirty laundry and put their personal business out there or the fact that youtube has been reduced to a bunch of narcissistic attention whores, looking for their 15 minutes of fame? I mean really, it is one thing to post a video, and another to respond to it, but for there to be a Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: etc.. to a video is beyond ridiculous. At some point, you realize that these people are making videos just to hear themselves talk, and to get hits on their own video because they responded to a popular one. I am not even going to touch the supposed trolls who intentionally post stupid shit just to get a response out of people.

Let's face it, as horrifying an idea that the gov't could be spying on us though our devices and putting people on surveillance may be, that is not nearly as horrifying as the fact that people have been putting on a show for them already. Instead of them having to put in the work of spying on people, they are just sitting back and enjoying the show millions of people put on for them each day. For them it isn't any more difficult than watching TV and choosing a channel to watch...

Just give it time, eventually this governmental surveillance through GPS and Phones will be marketed to these people just like self-surveillance was under the guise of "social networking." We have become the "Big Brother" that we once were afraid of.