Greaseproof Controllers


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Full GL Member

So recently Xbox released their greaseproof controller designed for PUBG players. Sure it's nice to eat while playing but getting mess your controller is not a good thing. So any thoughts on this? Do you liked it or need it?
A man of culture got no need of this lol
Wait! What?

I don't normally eat while I'm playing a video game. I might have something to drink while I'm playing but I don't eat actual food.
But not much worthy for a person who eats bowl of ice cream, right :p

Is this... some kind of dirty question ^^;

Wait! What?

I don't normally eat while I'm playing a video game. I might have something to drink while I'm playing but I don't eat actual food.

A lot of people eat while playing games. Some people even go far as....

having shit buckets