GTA Online a Mess


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It's almost been a week now that GTA online has been released and with a game that sold millions of copies and made billions of dollars it's no surprise that there is some online issues. A patch was recently released last week to fix many of these issues so that players could finally get online. Now that people are online, there are more issues.

Many users who have gotten on and leveled their characters are now reporting today that they are experiencing a sudden loss of character data, apartments, in-game money, rank, cars and more when playing GTA Online. Rockstar is currently trying to identify the issues and looking to recover players' lost data  if that is possible.

At this time ​Rockstar does not suggest playing GTA Online when Cloud Services are inaccessible. When the Cloud is down, players have the opportunity to continue playing with a temporary character without the ability to save. As such players cannot access their saved characters or any progress made with the temporary character will not be kept.

Rockstar also says another problem has to do with the 'retry' button. When prompted to retry to enter a GTA Online match when the Cloud is down, some players have had all of their data wiped. Rockstar says reverting back to Grand Theft Auto 5's single-player campaign, then jumping back into GTA Online from there, should yield better results.

Rockstar will keep gamers updated but at this time the online game is a mess. It's suggested to keep playing the offline mode or play another game. In the meantime don't forget about Gamingforce's GTA V contest.
Me and my brother have taken a break from the game because of said issues.

Started playing Sleeping dogs for the time being.
It is sloppy. I tried it on Sunday, after the 'fix'  was released and apart from being able to connect to GTA online, that seemed to be the only 'fix'. There were many glitches, games were taking an age to load and in general it was a complete let down seeing how much it was hyped up. 
I've been playing it daily since the fix and there was not many server problems for me.....however, the game kind of gets me mad. You can't do a single mission without some idiot waiting for you at your checkpoint to kill you then just finish the mission on you a second later. It really sucks.
AidsorHIV said:
I've been playing it daily since the fix and there was not many server problems for me.....however, the game kind of gets me mad. You can't do a single mission without some idiot waiting for you at your checkpoint to kill you then just finish the mission on you a second later. It really sucks.
Yea I Noticed this to.

Not to mention I'm heavily out gunned since I'm only level 4 and have not been able to buy a sub machine gun.

I lucked up and found a shotgun somewhere but some jerk waited for me at a checkpoint and killed me and took it along with my money.
Demon_Skeith said:
you people sound like this gang, backstabbing playing game is suppose to be fun and fair. :P
Yea I know that, and its understandable, but does not mean I have to like it. ^_^
but you are playing it to like it. instead of dumb AIs, your up against people who have been most likely playing this game series for ten years.

If I was playing this there is no way in hell I would just follow the rules. I would be doing what everyone else is doing and hitting you right at the very end.
....Let me elaborate on this further by giving a example,

Say your playing a online shooter like Call of Duty for example, the main objective is that you get more points and kill more people right?
But say that one guy keeps camping in one spot and killing you left a right with you not being able to do anything about it.
Are you just going to smile and be happy about it?
If your a competitive type of gamer its going to get to you in a negative way, that is the point I'm making about Grand Theft Auto V online, I fully understand everything your saying, and I can't blame those players one bit for what they are doing since If I was in their shoes I would be doing the same thing, but since I'm on the receiving end of it I can't say I'm happy about it, but at the same time I understand what type of game it is so I don't fault them for it.

I still enjoy the GTA online, let me make that clear, just like I enjoy tekken, street fighter, Halo and other games that I may play online, but all kinds of gamers no matter what type of game it is still dislike when they lose and or killed/beaten in a game by another player, or to be more accurate the more "competitve" type of gamers out there.