Guy gets stab by a meat themometer for complaining about woman talking on Cellphone.


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Movie theaters will eventually require security check points.

There's nothing more annoying than rowdy moviegoers when you're trying to watch a good flick. While a few "DON'T GO IN THERE" or "WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU" screams every now and then are tolerable and somewhat entertaining, it's perfectly normal to want to snatch that cellphone out of motormouth's hands as he/she sits right behind your ear.

Just make sure motormouth isn't packing a meat thermometer when you do.

The LA Times reports that a dispute at a Lancaster Cinemark 22 movie theater started out as a complaint about cell phone use during the movie, but eventually ended with a meat thermometer plunged into the complainer's neck.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said that the incident took place two weeks ago. A man attending a Saturday night showing of "Shutter Island" complained that a woman near him was using her cell phone. The report indicates that she then left the theater with two men.

Sometime later the two men returned to the theater and stabbed the victim in the throat with the meat thermometer. The suspects fled the scene and are currently still at large. The wounded man was rushed to the emergency room with "serious wounds" and remains hospitalized.

The investigation has offered no explanation as to why the woman and her two accomplices were packing heat in the form of a meat thermometer. The LA Times reports that anyone with information about the attack is asked to call the Lancaster sheriff's station at (661) 948-8466.

Tom's Guide

Oh wow, this got to hurt. It kind of scary when they can't catch the Meat Thermometer stabbers. This is just a very weird story, and sickening as well. I wonder if the guy is a butcher since it is kind of odd to be carrying a meat thermometer.
ohhhh wow. That is something. I hope they catch the guys. *is going to start wearing armor when going to the movies*
Good chances the stabber was already on parole or probation, so if he carried around a knife or Gun, and the cops find out he was carrying a weapon he would be going back to Juvie or Jail for a long time for carrying a weapon, but a meat thermometor is not categorized as a weapon, but it can be equally as capable of hurting or killing someone.
Good chances the stabber was already on parole or probation, so if he carried around a knife or Gun, and the cops find out he was carrying a weapon he would be going back to Juvie or Jail for a long time for carrying a weapon, but a meat thermometor is not categorized as a weapon, but it can be equally as capable of hurting or killing someone.

that's ignorant thinking, anything can be used as a weapon if there is enough force behind it.
that's ignorant thinking, anything can be used as a weapon if there is enough force behind it.

Very true, but the cops would probably just let him go since he could say his aunt wanted to borrow his meat thermometer for cooking her BBQ steak which sound very legitimate.

Plus, there have not been many cases of people using meat themometers as a weapons, so if someone got arrested for carrying atound meat thermometers. They will not be found guilty in a court-of-law unless the Judge is Judge Judy. She will throw the Book at him for sure since she does not seem to be a very forgiving judge.
Very true, but the cops would probably just let him go since he could say his aunt wanted to borrow his meat thermometer for cooking her BBQ steak which sound very legitimate.

Plus, there have not been many cases of people using meat themometers as a weapons, so if someone got arrested for carrying atound meat thermometers. They will not be found guilty in a court-of-law unless the Judge is Judge Judy. She will throw the Book at him for sure since she does not seem to be a very forgiving judge.

Judy judy will throw a book made of raw hard iron at anyone. but either way the dude still attacked the person so he will get booked on that.
That's true.. I've heard that an icicle would make a perfect murder weapon because it would not leave any prints, and would melt away..

it is, were I live we always get icicles during the winter and a person will hear of someone dying due to a icicle falling down and hitting the person in a deadly way.
Lol...random. I thought all cinemas have the warnings about mobiles being turned off before the film starts? Ours do at least.

They usually do, but many teens and young adults don't respect the rules which make going to the movies an annoying experience for people who want to enjoy the movie.
They usually do, but many teens and young adults don't respect the rules which make going to the movies an annoying experience for people who want to enjoy the movie.

Not for me.. my fiancé has his own theater, and the rare times we go to the movies, we usually got to either his, or the one's he has worked at as a manager. He has, and won't hesitate to have someone thrown out for disturbing others.