Hackers disguise phone as keyboard, use it to attack PCs via USB


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We've seen hackers use keyboards to deliver malicious code to computers, and we've seen smartphones used as remote controls for cars and TV -- but we've never seen a smartphone disguised as a keyboard used to control a computer, until now. A couple folks at this year's Black Hat DC conference have devised a clever bit of code that allows a rooted smartphone -- connected to a PC through USB -- to pose as a keyboard or mouse in order to attack and control the computer. The hack takes advantage of USB's inability to authenticate connected devices coupled with operating systems' inability to filter USB packets, which would enable users to thwart such an attack. While utilizing a digital costume to hack a computer is a nifty idea, it doesn't pose much additional risk to users because the method still requires physical access to a USB port to work -- and most of us would probably notice someone plugging a smartphone into our laptop while we're using it.


I wonder if this means in the future we need to install firewall and antivirus software for our USB ports.
your telling me there's no firewall and antivirus software for USB ports? Seems kind of risky to me.
I think there is an antivirus and firewall for USB ports for "some" antivirus programs, but they can't detect phones which disguise themselves as keyboards and more advance attacks from hackers by using the USB port.