Half Of PC Gamers Wait For Sales Before Buying Games [Survey]


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According to NPD analyst Liam Callahan, “Since half of PC gamers who play digital and/or physical games on the computer are expecting there to always be a sale right around the corner, publishers and retailers alike need to better manage these expectations.” What do you guys make of this survey? Do you agree that when you buy digital copies of games that you’d rather wait for a sale, and that this might not apply to physical copies of the game?

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I think PC Gamers are also the most likely to have the biggest game collections because of all those online sales of PC games where you can buy great games for a few dollars, so they have enough games to play until a game is on sale. There are also free games, and free game giveaways sometimes which gives gamers more to play while they wait for games to drop in price during a sale.