Half Of Real Girls Cannot Compete With Digital Females


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An online survey of over 300 Japanese women revealed that more than 50 percent of them do not think they can compete with females characters in dating simulators. Buck, up ladies!

Responding to a question as to whether they were confident could win over their dating game playing boyfriend from virtual girl in a dating game, 53 percent said they were not confident they could. The remaining 47 percent said they were confident they could.

One woman responded, "There's no way I can beat that level of cuteness." Another said, "They're made to be the ideal girlfriend after all." Conversely, one confident lady replied, "They're made to be the ideal girlfriend after all." Another replied, "There's no way a mere game could win against a real woman like me!"

Out of those polled, only 7 percent said they would dump their boyfriend if he went bonkers for some dating simulator. Twenty percent wouldn't really care, but a whopping 45 percent would want their beau to stop playing. Another 28 percent wouldn't want him to play the game in front of them.

Wonder what percentage wouldn't want their boyfriend to go on vacation with their virtual girlfriend.


No girl could compete with Tifa from FF 7, the Dead or alive girl crew, or any digital created girl.
Thank you, dynasty, my thoughts exactly. These boys should remain in their mother's basement for all eternity, therefore protecting and bettering the rest of society. You can't breed with these characters, and so, this is a bonus since it prevents them from corrupting the gene pool any further.

I'm sorry but if you are trying to compete with a lifeless, glorified cartoon character, then you are touched in the head.. either that, or your self esteem needs some work. The ideal woman doesn't exist. The animators know this, and that is why these cartoon characters are created. They offer the fantasy of the ideal woman, because in reality, she doesn't exist.

One question though, why isn't there something like this for girls? Then again, I suppose that if there was something like it for girls, that it wouldn't be as popular since we would likely be aware of the fact that there are certain things a guy, another girl, or even we can do, that a cartoon couldn't, so we wouldn't need it.. and wouldn't be likely to settle for it.

Besides, with more and more independent women on the rise, and many of them needing men less, and less, we don't need them to get off, (ever hear of The Rabbit?) we can support ourselves because we have careers, and are able to buy property for the same reasons, we don't need them to have a baby, not only because we can simply get the juice of some faceless man by choosing the man we want after reviewing his credentials, and have a kid that way, but scientists have discovered a way to make sperm, out of a woman's bone marrow so, apparently men aren't needed for that either. In a nutshell, men aren't needed for sex, money, babies, or companionship, so the question remains, are men really needed? These advancements have rendered a mans role to be as optional as a pocketbook.

This is what is happening, and with the advancement of science in general, it is safe to say that the role of men in general, has been rendered optional when it was once a requirement. This is why, recently, there has been increased talk of men being obsolete, so it is comforting to know that although they aren't needed by women, that these men can create happy ending of their own with cartoon characters.

This is a fact that all women should remember, because it would save them a lot of self-esteem issues, and heartache later on. By choosing a cartoon character, over a real woman, is them literally separating the men from the boys in the dating world, and they confirming the fact that men are not needed as much, if, at all. They are simply doing us a favor by staying home with their computer, since we don't have to waste our time with rejecting them, and we can move on to someone better. Women don't have to compete with cartoon characters, because we already have the upper hand where it counts.. so this should just make it that much easier for them to leave the boy with his toy, and move on to something bigger and better.

I am not, in any way, shape or form, saying that men are completely useless, or inferior to women, but the writing is on the wall, and doing something so stupid as comparing a cartoon character to a real women, and even, making arguments in favor of them, is them confirming their weakened role in society, and it is just another reminder that the world just might be better off without them. You are single handedly, making it easier to find a real man by eliminating the worthless bullshit, since there is no way a real man would ever prefer a cartoon character over the real thing. So, if you prefer a cartoon character over the real thing, then the only thing I can say to you is thank you, for being so kind as to pull yourself out of the dating world, and making it easier to find a real man.
I think most shy men prefer to use these games as tools to get a real women like "books on dating" since I know of many men who have problems starting conversations with women at schools, libraries, bars, etc due to your shyness.

It is like how some men use relationship chat rooms, online dating, forums, and video chat to meet women since it is not as hard as in reality.
Any girls can compete AND WIN against any created or online female character.

Know why?
Because they're real. They aren't just imaginations and 2-D drawings.
They have flesh and bones and a soul.

And it's terribly sad that any boy would say they'd rather have Tifa from FF vs. a girl in real life :rolleyes:
I think most shy men prefer to use these games as tools to get a real women like "books on dating" since I know of many men who have problems starting conversations with women at schools, libraries, bars, etc due to your shyness.

It is like how some men use relationship chat rooms, online dating, forums, and video chat to meet women since it is not as hard as in reality.
Shyness is one thing, and even so, by choosing a cartoon character over the real thing, even if it is to spare themselves from rejection, they are only hurting their chances. If a girl really likes a guy, and she sees that he is shy, then she will break the ice. Once that happens, the pressure is off and the shy guy can go from there.

My fiancé was the shy one, I was shy as well, but my instincts was what gave me the courage to make the first move, and gave me the inclination that the feelings were mutual. So, I did, and I found out that he had feelings for me for a long time, and that he was too shy to make a move.. and nearly 10 years later, we are still together. Had he have been like the 300 Japanese men in question, then he would not have even gotten THAT far.

Any girls can compete AND WIN against any created or online female character.

Know why?
Because they're real. They aren't just imaginations and 2-D drawings.
They have flesh and bones and a soul.

And it's terribly sad that any boy would say they'd rather have Tifa from FF vs. a girl in real life :rolleyes:

I agree, but the operative word here is "boy." A boy would choose a cartoon character over the real thing, whereas a "man" would not.