Hands-on with NeoKylin, a Chinese operating system Video


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This Operating System looks like XP. But, it does seem pretty fast, and reliable without un-needed features or bloatware which are not useful for most PC users.

The Office Suite programs like Word Processor, and Spreadsheet run pretty quickly in this video.

The web browser also seems pretty fast as well.
Interesting. It's a linux core with XP overlay.
I imagine that would be extremely useful for getting people used to using Linux. At least for some things... software installation on Linux is quite a bit different (like he touched on in that video). So there would be that hurdle to get over. But once they got used to that it'd be trivial for them to jump over to like Ubuntu or another flavour of Linux.
I said this on other forums, bring XP into the modern era and you will have an OS that will smash all others. This does look good.