Happy Meal Toys banned!


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This is dumb. I bet some of the restaurant owners will probably sell their land and move their restaurant to other close by cities which might cause a slight unemployment rate increase and decrease tax collection from income and sales tax.

Some parents will probably just drive their car to close by cities or towns to buy a happy meal unless the town is in the middle of "no where".

Mc. Donalds, BK and other fast food restaurants geared to kids and young adults will probably not be opening anymore restaurants in that town.

What is next? Banning toys and other goodies in Sugary Cereal and salty snacks?

Plus, it is the parents responsibility to monitor what their kids are eating.
I never cared for the cheap happy meal toys anyways but the people who banned this is in for a rude awakening when they realize kids are still eating the unhealthy meals. I would hate to be the parents though who have to go home and tell their kids who do like happy meal toys that there are no more happy meal toys.
I enjoyed the Super Mario Happy Meal toys.


The town can just make Mc. Donalds sell the toys and food seperately like the kids order a salad, bread, fruit, yogurt, low-fat meals and a juice for their kids, and pay an additional few dollars for a toy if the kids want them.

Plus, now that 7-11 is selling video games. I see kids ask parents to just going to 7-11 to buy a hot dog & slurpee along with a video game.

I think kids will just go to fast food restaurants with a arcade, play area (jungle gym), indoor go-carting, and other fun activities unless the town makes it illegal for kids to have fun in a restaurant.
pshh now what is there to look forward to!
mcdonalds is gross thou. i haven't gone there in at least seven years for an actual meal.
I agree Mcdonalds happy meal toys were mostly unexciting. I like Burger Kings Xbox 360 branded game idea more.
They were good for their cheap price of 3.99 at BK. These games are better then those cellphone games which cost $5 and have no multiplayer. But, I agree they are not the best games for the 360. I think kids around 8-10 yrs old might like these games.

A few collectors like "beanie baby doll collector" might also like to collect happy meal toys and yes, they are mostly for kids, to make the meal a little more fun.
I think they should also ban coupons and music performances at restaurants since it lure people to eat more food because "it's such a good deal!".

A lot of restaurants I been to make food overly saucy, sweet, salty, and fat compared to home cook meals.