Happy New Year from Team OUYA! video


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Created by our one and only: Bawb The Games Guy.

Happy New Year to the Ouya!

This is a pretty good video showing the Ouya's staff, and games made for Ouya. It is amazing that a small numner of workers who work on the Ouya can create a physical console, and gaming platform around the Ouya which has many tens of thousands or more gamers playing games on the Ouya.

The Ouya also proves that smaller consoles can survive as a niche console with a smaller audience even when there are more popular consoles out there like how Apple computers has fewer users compared to Windows, but Apple still have enough buyers which Macs which keep Apple profitable.
Niche consoles among smaller audience existed long before the Ouya. The Ouya is simply the first one to have a rather large library. There was also much more hype around its release, but that quickly died down after the many issues with the console and the company.
Indeed, Chinises Niche consoles made by JXD are around for many years. I think Ouya is one of the first Niche consoles to have an actual online games stores, and not rely on third-party apps stores like Google Play, and emulators for games.

To be fair, a lot of hyped stuff online does not last longer than a few days or months like anti-SOPA, and Kony 2012 which still have its niche supporters, but the other supporters quickly died down within months because of lack of interest, low attention spans, and people finding other things to follow.

A lot of people were probably thinking the Ouya would support Google Play, and all games would be free which never happened because Ouya and Game makers needs to make money from selling games, and Google needs to approve a device before you can put Google Play app store on it which is one of the reasons that many older tablets, and phones don't use the Google Play store.