Hardest Boss You Faced?


Insane, but humble
So what is the hardest Boss, or if you can't decide, one of the hardest bosses you've ever faced in any videogame?

Can you remember that one boss that gave you a run for your money, that one boss that continuously frustrated you, that one boss hat depleted your reserves of extra lives?

I really can't name a specific, but I had trouble the the following three.

The chuckola cola from Mario and Luigi SSS. How I hated that guy. Seriously it took me forever to kill him! I even gave up for about a week or so. But then I came back and eventually killed him.

cackletta was also a frustrating boss in Mario and Luigi SSS. It took me forever to kill her, and I continuously had to use my mushrooms. But after a couple of tries I finally beat her.

And Finally Bowser in Super Mario 64. When I was little (8 or 7) it took me forever to throw him into one of those Bomb things the third try. Thank God I finally beat him and I still get a great feeling of accomplish when I throw him the into that accursed third bomb with that dang Star Shape Battlefield.
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Probably the elder Princess Shroob from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. That boss just goes on forever, and it's pretty damn difficult to kill.
That final boss Tiki guy in Donkey Kong Country Returns. The level to get to him itself costed me a few lives, and than I lost about 40 when I got to him and tried to kill him.

The Cackletta spirit thing in M&L SS was also a bit frustrating. Its hard to attack when every attack you miss defending wipes out around half of your HP so you have to either use Mushrooms by the bucketload or risk an attack. And that wasn't because I hadn't levelled up, either!!

Surprisingly, the final bosses on the 3D Mario games (64. Sunshine, Galaxy and Galaxy 2) weren't that hard... The level to reach them was harder!!
Fawful and then Cackletta (both of them the final time you fight them) in SS, the Wily Capsule from Mega Man 7, and the one dragon guy from Brutal Mario without savestates the first time.
The Bowser in the Sky Stage is actually rather easy, relatively. As for bosses I've personally faced, I think the hardest would have to be Cloud 'N' Candy in Yoshi's Story
. OK, seriously uh, I'm not sure. While not hard, one of the most frustrating bosses I've done is probably Eely Mouth, simply because of the controls

While on a "hardest" topic, which do you think is the hardest stage in Super Mario Sunshine:
  • The pinball machine area with the red coins
  • That annoying stage where it's sort of tricky just GETTING to the level, and then you have to surf the leaves over that instant-death poisonous liquid stuff, where the leaves disintegrate after a while, and at the same time collecting red coins
  • Corona Mountain
Hm, this is tough. Metroid Prime was no slouch and the Shadow Queen from TYD only took me two attempts, but I BARELY made it on the second.

Oh, and General RAAM from Gears of War is still one of my favorite villains of all time out of sheer bad-assness.
Probably the elder Princess Shroob from Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. That boss just goes on forever, and it's pretty damn difficult to kill.
That boss is the hardest I've battled too. Other than the elder Princess Shroob, I say Tiki Tong on mirror mode was difficult.
hmm....I can't really remember. :/ but one that was a prick in my ass (for those with those thoughts, get your head out of the gutter damnit), I'd have to say Crowe from Farcry Instincts. crap, that guy was insane.
Tiki Tong on Mirror Mode I haven't done yet, but it's hard. The Mole Train on Mirror Mode is freaking ridiculous, I just can't do it. Those are both from DKCR, by the way, as you probably guessed.

Also, Dark Samus in Metroid Prime 3 really craps me off. I just can't do it, and it takes forever. I think I just suck, though. And this is in Hypermode difficulty, as well.
The Kraken in the American version of Final Fantasy I was wicked hard for me. Probably because my mages were weak as hell.

I also remember having a hard time with Oogie Boogie in Kingdom Hearts. Just because his wheel of torture can be so unfair.
Oh, hey, I just thought of another one:
Marx Soul from KSSU.
Think about it, you have a full HARDEST BOSSES boss rush, including 4 ungodly insane bosses *coughGALACTAKNIGHTcough*, 3 SMALL tomatoes, and if you die ANYWHERE you have to start from the beginning?!

Hammer works nice though...
Oh, hey, I just thought of another one:
Marx Soul from KSSU.
Think about it, you have a full HARDEST BOSSES boss rush, including 4 ungodly insane bosses *coughGALACTAKNIGHTcough*, 3 SMALL tomatoes, and if you die ANYWHERE you have to start from the beginning?!

Hammer works nice though...
My thoughts exactly. It took my forever to beat those boss battles with all the helpers. That game took up a good portion of my time for a few months.

It isn't really a boss, but getting 100 straight wins in the Soul Silver has given me so much trouble for me for soooo long. I have yet to achieve the last trainer card upgrade.
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I also thought the Biolizard from Sonic Adventure 2 was hard all because of the terrible camera angles it provided.

Plus, that goddamn river always would always flow me out. >.>
Almost any hidden Boss in the Kingdom Hearts series...to be more specific.

"Vanitas's Lingering Spirit" will molest you..
Not really a boss, but I remember I was playing Metroid Prime for the first time and I was a bit less linear than I should've been. I went to the room where you beat Flaagrah at the first opportunity (after I already beat it, of course), where a Chozo Artifact was floating. The catch to getting this is that you're attacked by 6-7 Chozo Ghosts upon retrieving it, and these were the first I'd faced in the game (i.e. I didn't have the X-Ray Visor yet. DX). So that was pretty tough.
Sakuya Izayoi, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Stage 5, Normal mode. Hell, even the MIDBOSS Sakuya was hard as hell (you have that lovely spellcard Misdirection to deal with. Happy bombing. -.-)