Harry Potter 8, 9, and 10?!


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As November 2010 and July 2011 bring the last books in the Harry Potter franchise to the big screen, author J.K. Rowling implies that more adventures in the world of Hogwarts could be in store.

Rowling appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show today, and when she was asked if she will ever write another Potter story again, she said: "They're all still in my head. I could definitely write 8 or 9."

EW.com spoke with Rowling as well. Their take on it? Rowling is definitely open to writing "an eighth, ninth, tenth" Potter novel, though she quickly followed up by saying, "I feel I'm done, but you never know."

So potentially three more Potter novels?!


If she does write more, I hope it's more on a side cast then on the main three.
I thought the ending of the last book entailed a certain character death so the story couldn't continue?

as far as I know, all three main characters are alive and most of sub characters. Rowling could easily do a book how some other evil guy gathers up voldermort's resources and launch another war.
Films were good, but the books were poorly written.

That's an interesting take on things. I know many think the movies leave out the large amount of detail that the books add to the mix.

I think she could definitely go on with more Harry Potter books. Many kids have grown up to the books of Harry Potter, an adult take on things with the main characters being grown now would be a good way to go, with dedicated fans reaching an older age now.