harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2


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How could we not have a topic made for this yet?

anywho, just saw this movie today. They did a fantastic job with the ending. A great ending to the series.

The part and after with snapes memories almost made me cry, they did well making that very emotional.

The battles were great, though I felt hogwarts could have been destroyed more. At the end a lot of the towers were still standing, I would have had all those gone with smoke rising out of them.

Over all, I rate this movie pretty highly. I swear I was watching a fight scene from an anime.
As a long term Harry Potter fan (seriously I read the final book in like 6 hours when I got it on release day) I must admit I found the final film to be an absolute show stopper. I was so happy with the quality of the film even if they did change emphasis on some scenes to relieve some of the tragedy of the battle like with certain character's deaths. Snape's scenes were spot on and Alan Rickman did a truly phenomenal job in this instalment. The Final scene I felt myself slipping into the uncanny valley somewhat. I find it happens a lot. I won't spoil anything in this although I have every right to because if you have not bothered to read the books then you deserve to have the ending spoiled. So overall was absolutely brilliant.
I didn't read the books or watch the movies. I looked it up on Wikipedia so I won't be lost too bad when I end up watching part one for a college party. My vote for Monty Python lost.
You were able to get your info compressed in 2 days? Wow, I now feel the personal challenge to go read all the books in less than 2 days