Has anyone else had this situation where it seems...


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nobody has made any videos or taken any screenshots of a specific game you were interested in? I don't get how that happens sometimes, like how nobody apparently made any recordings of the secret levels in Yoshi's Island DS prior to a recent LP, or for another few games, very few screenshots seem to exist.

I thought the point of the internet was that you could find pretty much anything, why the heck do I keep running into issues where people can't be bothered to get the information I need all the time then?
You mean like how NO ONE (or hardly anyone) has even heard of Wario: Master of Disguise? There are almost literally NO videos of the entire game, WHAT SO EVER. Especially not Carpaccio or whatever the name is. Or that NO ONE has uploaded any Tetris Party Deluxe videos?
You mean like how NO ONE (or hardly anyone) has even heard of Wario: Master of Disguise? There are almost literally NO videos of the entire game, WHAT SO EVER. Especially not Carpaccio or whatever the name is. Or that NO ONE has uploaded any Tetris Party Deluxe videos?
Yo dawg.



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OK I'll be more specific. IS there a video of ANYONE actually PLAYING Wario: Master of Disguise with Carpaccio?
Also, are there ANY videos of Tetris Party Deluxe music which has Kalinka playing? NOT Tetris Party, but Deluxe.
Like how I can never find any gameplay videos from Duke Nukem Forever 1998 edition! Seriously, what's up with that!?
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Yo yo ma.

This didn't exist when you bought it, Flandre? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz3qerUSCIs
poor scissor man cut man,heh megaman is called rockman in japan.Good thing theres no paperman,or it would be the end of megaman
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Oh yeah, here's another: Touhou 9.
Yes, I'm serious. I could not find very many decent gameplay videos before I finally got it.
A lot of big-time commentators and LPers tend to make footage of the more popular games. Considering how many videogames exist, it shouldn't be surprising that some just don't receive much attention.